What does this road sign mean.....

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"It's a limit, not a target."

Before anyone jumps down my throat with the cliche about limits being limits and not targets (I respect that and I'm not one of those idiots who'll drive up someone's backside because they're doing the speed limit or a just under), I'm specifically referring to the misunderstanding of the sign and not people who don't like driving fast in general.

I've seen people who'll happily drive at 35 mph in a 30 zone before a sign and then creep up to a little over 45 after it. I've seen people pulling away from me on one part of the road (as they are speeding) only for me to catch up and have to slow right down after a National Speed Limit sign.
I wonder how many folk quoting the old "its a limit not a target" have had their daily commute on nice a roads where its completely safe to do a solid 60 the whole way blocked and delayed every single day by some bugger doing 40 and holding up a string of traffic a mile long.

Theres being safe and confident. Then theres enraging 100+ people on a daily basis during rush hour for no good reason.

Jasper Carrot used to do a joke about his nan's slow driving, he'd say "she's never had an accident...but she's seen thousands"

The point being people who drive significantly less than the speed limit (like 40 when it's perfectly safe to do 60) are on balance driving dangerously because they can frustrate others into making mistakes.
So if it's that sign it's NSL or in this case 60mph.... :p

Not sure why you're mentioning lamp posts...

Because if that sign is not followed by repeater signs every 200 yards or so and there are no other posted limits but there are lamp posts then it becomes a 30MPH zone (Apparently)

just relaying what I was told on the course. Indeed one fella was actually done for speeding for making that same mistake (it applies to all other speed limits as well, not just NSL ones).

I didn't know that, figured others might not know it either.
I always find it amusing when I turn off a nice wide road with new tarmac and a 40MPH limit onto some narrow lane with gauges out of it and it's NSL.


It's still a valid point - you seem to be labouring under the opinion that people don't understand what the sign means - when the actual issue is probably that people just drive slower than the speed limit because they're not confident/old/idiotic.

They understand the sign just fine; they're just not driving quite as fast as they are legally allowed to.

Hence the comment.
It's the 40 everywhere lot that really baffle me.

Obviously they are confident enough to do 40 in a built up area so why not stick down the go pedal when the road clears.

*****, that's why.
Another great sign on my road


I will admit to getting annoyed by the City Folk who won't drive their Audi within a metre of the wall and insist on stopping whenever a car appears but they also pay my wages and I walk to work so I don't really care.
I drive as slow as I can get away with, doesn't mean I'm a crap driver, just means I want to drive slower.

It's quite amusing that a lot of people in this thread think that drivers taking it easy are incompetent. Probably sums up perfectly what's gone wrong with driving over the last 25 years.

Here's a quick one for you muppets who think you're Nigel Mansell - driving right up my backside will not make me drive quicker. If you're any good you should have overtaken me by now.

Another one that a lot of people seem totally unaware of is that if you are driving a nice posh fast car it doesn't automatically mean you're a good driver. Or if I'm driving a cheap, low-powered, 10 year old car, it doesn't automatically mean I'm a crap driver.

A lot of drivers should just be grateful they won't let me shoot people with my shotgun anymore. Spoilsports.
Hi, I can help with this.

1. Because 60mph is the limit for a car not towing a trailer or a motorbike which are only 2 types of vehicle out of the many types on the road. Lol....

2. It puts the responsibility of driving appropriately onto the driver (this applies more to the little country lanes that people have posted pics of). If these were instead made into 40mph zones then it would be fair for the driver of, say a 44 tonne artic to assume that he could safely drive down that road at 40 (which would obviously be highly reckless) and it would be impossible to prosecute him or her if they killed somebody by doing it.

Also, a lot of such roads can, in the space of a mile, go from corners where 20 would be too fast to long straights with good visibility where a car could quite happily go 60. It would be a legal and physical pain in the ass lol

If anyone else has a question just let me know
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