What film did you watch last night?

The Great Wall (2017) - 4/10

Visually, the film is spectacular with great use of colours, scale, scenery and 3D effects.

However, the plot and characters are laughably bad, the overall setting and tone is far too cheesy, and the monster designs are dull and uninspired.

Although the action scenes on the wall are great and thrilling to watch, they are too few and far between and the ending sort of just fizzles out.
The Great Wall (2017) - 4/10

Visually, the film is spectacular with great use of colours, scale, scenery and 3D effects.

However, the plot and characters are laughably bad, the overall setting and tone is far too cheesy, and the monster designs are dull and uninspired.

Although the action scenes on the wall are great and thrilling to watch, they are too few and far between and the ending sort of just fizzles out.

My inner 8 year old loves this movie but my adult mind think it is just terrible.
The Great Wall - I liked it :D it had a lot of negativity from various reviews so went in not expecting much. The Power Ranger costumes was a bit ridiculous but I guess so was the whole thing. It reminded me of a Tyranid invasion!

It is my kind of movie and certainly wasn't as bad as some made out. Matt Damon was a little out of place and a bit wooden but that was down the screenplay and script. Overall I enjoyed it. 6/10.

At least I could see what was going on unlike Resident Evil the final stinker.
John Wick: Chapter 2

Good sequel, just like the 1st one in tone, style but bigger in every way. Bigger sets, better locations, bigger assassin's world, bigger death count, bigger hotel rooms even, just bigger.

Some of the lines are down right cheesy but in Keanu's hands it seems fitting somehow. A few WTF moments like Wick gets hit by a car a few times, especially one time at the start where as a person who has been hit by a car at a much slower speed....that's broken legs right there!!!! Sure its a movie but for the duration of that scene my brain keep thinking "he should have a broken leg.

I did enjoy it throughout and thought Kermode's review today was a little harsh. I bought into the world from the first John Wick and this is no different.


p.s. towards the end it made me jump, literally. Not had that from a movie in a LONG time.
Spotlight - It's an excellent film, though in an excellently observed recent period, watching it at this point in time a great reminder of both the value and flaws of a free press.

Echo's of season 5 of the wire and easily worth say 8.5/10,

Prime has a number of great films at the moment.
John Wick 2 - Haven't enjoyed a film in the cinema like that in a long time. Unashamedly brutal, stylish, over the top and downright excellent. The 7bone burger beforehand was pretty good too. :D

Agree with Ray's 8/10. Cannot wait for the 3rd installment.
Arrival - 8/10. The ending was a bit of an anti-climax of sorts but overall I really enjoyed it. I liked how it kept things 'grounded' and believable, and the soundtrack was superb.
Finally got round to watching Nightcrawler, I thought it was excellent, was never a fan of Jake gillywhore but everything he has done after jarhead I have really enjoyed!
John Wick Chapter 2 (2017) - 7/10

There’s a daftness about the whole premise (especially when played completely straight), but this doesn’t stop you from enjoying this action packed revenge thriller.

A very cliché plot and characters, but the action scenes are very well put together, and the settings used are very stylish and smart.

Entertaining and exciting, but also a bit too daft at times.
John Wick - Absolutely Fantastic, simply bigger better and more of the first one. A lot of effort and training put in from Keanu and it definitely shows. The fighting choreography and action pieces was great. Probably one the best I can remember in a long time. This is a definition of what a sequel should be like. 9/10.
The Witch - 4/10

Extremely slow film about a family of religious nuts losing their minds over the course of an hour and a half. Absolute nonsense.

I am trying to wrap my head around how this movie got amazing praises...I mean beyond the performances....what am I missing?
I am trying to wrap my head around how this movie got amazing praises...I mean beyond the performances....what am I missing?

I haven't watch the Witch it's a horror flick right??

Did watch Nocturnal Animals recently and along the same lines too particularly after all the praises and I am sorry to say it did not agree with me. Was I missing the point? It wasnt very clever or did anything I was amazed about. :(
I haven't watch the Witch it's a horror flick right??

Did watch Nocturnal Animals recently and along the same lines too particularly after all the praises and I am sorry to say it did not agree with me. Was I missing the point? It wasnt very clever or did anything I was amazed about. :(

Tbh, could be just age and experience. As I got older, horror stopped working for me full stop; even jump scares don't hit the nerve any more. Now, the tension and finisher formula relies on you dropping your guard over time and flapping at the end during the big reveal(s). If the first part fails, even in a classic, all is lost, and the result is just dull/cerebral appreciation.
I haven't watch the Witch it's a horror flick right??

Did watch Nocturnal Animals recently and along the same lines too particularly after all the praises and I am sorry to say it did not agree with me. Was I missing the point? It wasnt very clever or did anything I was amazed about. :(

I found Nocturnal Animal engaging, the story in the novel in the movie being the one that connected and hard hitting the most but the way it reflect off the ex-husband's feeling through his novel to me is smart and convey his feeling towards her very well, and it is when that ending where it hits.

The Witch on the other hand...i tis advertised as a horror but it is not for the most part and I went in knowing that, i looked at it as a medieval drama with old english dialogue but the whole religious angle is weird.
Finally got round to watching Nightcrawler, I thought it was excellent, was never a fan of Jake gillywhore but everything he has done after jarhead I have really enjoyed!

I haven't seen Nightcrawler but agree he's been on a good streak. I liked Donnie Darko but remember before watching Jarhead thinking he was miscast, and then being pleasantly surprised. Source Code, Love & Other Drugs, End of Watch, and Enemy were also great.
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