What film did you watch last night?

Best in Show - 7/10

Very funny mockumentary about the owners taking their dogs to the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show. Written and directed by Christopher Guest who did Spinal Tap :D
Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens - watched this ahead of VIII next week ready for IX the following weekend. I know that a lot has been said about it being a retread of IV but it still holds up as an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours and the music and sounds are just epic plus it's still Star Wars. 4/5
Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens - watched this ahead of VIII next week ready for IX the following weekend. I know that a lot has been said about it being a retread of IV but it still holds up as an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours and the music and sounds are just epic plus it's still Star Wars. 4/5

Watched this last Friday too!

  • The opening scenes with a bad ass Kylo, Force holding a blaster shot (before he took off his mask and became a teenage whining Emo)
  • Seeing the hunk of junk Millennium Falcon
  • Han and Chewie!!!
  • The X-Wing lake skimming on the green planet
  • THAT death (not needed and not a fitting a end for a beloved character - it's like killing off Indy Jones!!)
Jumanji The Next Level 8/10.

I really enjoyed the first one and this was no different in that respect. The addition of Danny Glover and Danny DeVito, and the characters in the game “they” played worked excellently.

If you liked the first film you’ll like this. If you didn’t like it then..... you know.
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) - 7/10

A serviceable sequel that does what it sets out to do, but suffers from a lack of truly original ideas.

It’s another thrilling adventure filled with action, humour and mishaps, but a lot of the jokes are the same, the plot is nothing special and much of the novelty is lacking this time around.

It’s a bit slow to get going, but it is entertaining and fun and has its heart in the right place.

There are plenty of new scenes and scenery and the visual effects and actions scenes are great to watch, the new characters are well implemented and the acting is good as well.
A Prayer for the Dying (1987). The box art and gritty title drew me in as a kid whilst wandering around the aisles of video stores back in the day.

So I thought I would catch up on those films I was too young to watch at the time.

By god this was awful 2/10 given it starred Bob Hoskins & Mickey Rourke.

I like some Jack Higgin's novel's (The Eagle has Landed). The bad guy turned good has always been a common theme throughout, like Stephen King; some books when made into films are best left alone, as the films can be awful.
Frozen II (2019)


The follow-up to Frozen was announced pretty early on, like 2015. So as a Disney fan and a fan of the original Frozen, I was eagerly waiting for this. Disney had to get it right again, as sequels seldom match the success of an original. While the characters are a bit more developed, I think it's ok to take your children to see F2 if they haven't yet seen F1. The storyline is quite different and I don't see F1 as a prerequisite. If you are already a fan of F1 though, then you'll enjoy F2. I think the music in F2 is just as catchy, with my favourite being 'Into The Unknown'. Halfway through the film, Elsa does an epic transformation scene which will jog some memories from the Let It Go sequence from F1. Pretty much as much as I can write here without giving away any spoilers.
Legend - the 80’s fantasy flick with Tom Cruise.

What the **** was that?! Very strange film, going from sickly sweet whimsy (particularly in some of the initial scenes with the princess) to bizarre / borderline disturbing in an instant. The scene where the elf child thing shows up is just soooo odd. His voice and mannerisms are super creepy. Then the henchmen casually talking about eating the princess’s brains... definitely nightmare fodder for children, if they ever saw it.

A lot of the film makes little sense and causes the raising of eyebrows... what was with throwing the ring in the water and all the screaming from the princess about? Why did she throw it in?! Just... what?

Then the devil shows up and the make-up is just insane, surely some of the best practical effects make up ever, whoever was involved in that should definitely have won a prize.

Some of the sets / scenes were pretty incredible at the end. That section where the princess dances with ‘the dress’ is brilliant and I had that feeling of ‘wait - is this actually genius’ during those parts.

So yeah, a very unusual films. High highs, low lows. Mostly doesn’t work. But definitely worth a watch if you want to see something jarring / strange. Not sure I have seen anything else like it.

6/10 film but 8/10 just for intrigue / wtf experience.
Legend - the 80’s fantasy flick with Tom Cruise.

What the **** was that?! Very strange film, going from sickly sweet whimsy (particularly in some of the initial scenes with the princess) to bizarre / borderline disturbing in an instant. The scene where the elf child thing shows up is just soooo odd. His voice and mannerisms are super creepy. Then the henchmen casually talking about eating the princess’s brains... definitely nightmare fodder for children, if they ever saw it.

It tries to be a call back to those original fairy tales that were actually creepy and scary, rather than the sanitized Disney versions that we are used to now. The originals were violent and scary. You were supposed to be scared of the Fae as well as the demons like Darkness who are not just evil, but seductive, tricky and clever too.

A lot of the film makes little sense and causes the raising of eyebrows... what was with throwing the ring in the water and all the screaming from the princess about? Why did she throw it in?! Just... what?

The princess is teasing Jack. She says it's her right to set a task for her suitor, so she sets an impossible task "I'll marry whoever finds this ring", and then throws it off the cliff into the water. Jack instantly and impetuously dives in after it to show his love, and to find her ring and prove he is a worthy suitor for her affections. Princess Lili was not expecting him to do something that she thinks is so dangerous, something that was a tease rather than a real promise of royal marriage.

IIRC, that's when the unicorn dies and the world freezes hence more screaming, but Jack is protected under the water.

Then the devil shows up and the make-up is just insane, surely some of the best practical effects make up ever, whoever was involved in that should definitely have won a prize.

Tim Curry is genius in all that make up and prosthetics. It took five hours to get into the makeup, and he's sometimes had to stay in it for days.


Some of the sets / scenes were pretty incredible at the end. That section where the princess dances with ‘the dress’ is brilliant and I had that feeling of ‘wait - is this actually genius’ during those parts.

So yeah, a very unusual films. High highs, low lows. Mostly doesn’t work. But definitely worth a watch if you want to see something jarring / strange. Not sure I have seen anything else like it.

6/10 film but 8/10 just for intrigue / wtf experience.

One of Ridley Scott's first feature films I think.

The dress scene is great, especially as it's a practical effect that would now be done with CGI. There's a strangely seductive overtone to it, and Lili is tempted for a moment, seduced by the dark side of herself through the beauty of the dancing dress. Even when she's wearing it, she looks more grown up and less innocent than the princess she is before. It's almost like a vampire seduction.
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The room 6/10
Some decent ideas in this sci-fi/fantasy horror film. Not always the greatest execution, but worth a watch all the same.

Light of my life 7/10
Similar film to the road, bit bleak but good performances
Freaks (2019)

An interesting premise and some rather good acting, especially from the young girl. However, the dialogue seemed rather stilted at times and the story wasn't as refined as it could have been, occasionally lacking focus and momentum

The King

Feel like it took itself far too seriously and frankly I get bored by most Medieval films and this wasn't different.

Biggest thing was Timothy Chalamet's lack of screen presence for me, from his poor character development in the early stages to his physically stature. Battle was great but I just wasn't buying him killing all those men.

He is only 23 and it is a huge role to bear, he sure gave it a good go. Edgerton and even Pattinson had a lot more weight behind them every time they appeared on screen.

All in all for my personal taste it's probably a 6/10 but that's my Medievla bias at play here so I'd day it's a solid 7/10 effort.
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