I enjoy Vacation and Christmas Vacation... there is just something endearing about the main dude... On the surface he’s kind of an ******* but really he’s just a human that only wants to have a nice time... I always find myself rooting for him.
I only just got a chance to read up on The Counsellor and based on the wiki, I'm not even going to bother seeking it out as I'm sure it is truly terrible as you've said, though I will watch it if I see it for free on Prime or on Netflix. The only thing I can offer in mitigation was that Ridley's brother Tony Scott committed suicide during filming of it by jumping off the Gold Gate Bridge and they halted filming so he could grieve.
I remember when that happened and it depressed me a bit as I liked Top Gun as a kid a few of his other action movies, I always wondered why he did it. Can't help think there may have been some undisclosed me too some involved.
The Old Guard 5-10
Yet more trash to have on in the background while you laugh at what Bokkers try and sell on gumtree.
I don't think there is anything too suspicious with his suicide, he had inoperable terminal brain cancer and decided to end things earlier rather than let it slowly destroy him.
@PC777 True Romance to me is a timeless classic, could have been made yesterday or 40 years ago.
I used to love visiting these forums, but the insecure right-wing weirdos have soured it all for me.
2001 A Space Odyssey
While I can appreciate what a technical achievement the film was for it's time. It doesn't cover the fact that it's a very slow and boring film. A two and a half hour run time that has 90 minutes with no dialogue must have been a chore to watch in 1968, let a lone in 2020.