What film did you watch last night?

Yeah came in to say this. Felt very similiar to Prometheus in terms of what happens...just felt like there was so much potential then nope.

Covenant and prometheus the films where scientists manage to do worse than the stupidist people during covid, whilst meant to be hand picked best ever trillion dollar millions.
Palm Springs - 6/10

Thoroughly enjoyable, just not life changing hence the middling score. Worth a watch if you want an easy comedy one evening. Oh and JK Simmons! Recommended :)

Watched this too, quite liked it, I'll push a 7/10 as made me laugh out loud a few times.
What Happened To Monday - 7/10 (Netflix)

SiFi based on population limiting. One child per household, but someone has 7 twins (whatever that is?) and calls them Monday through to Sunday. They are allowed out on their day, but one goes missing...

Generally pretty good. A little convenient at times, but worth a watch I would say.
The Tag-Along - Amazon Prime. 7/10

Apparently its one of the most successful Taiwanese horror movies ever and to be honest it actually was pretty decent. Based on an urban legend I believe, hard to say too much without giving it away but crux of it is that its to do with a spirit/entity which goes from person to person. Seems like there's a sequel which follows on from the events of the first but I dont see it on Prime, I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere. Got to hand it to the various Asian countries, they do horror/supernatural so much better than Western studios.
Watched a few films over the weekend.

Fast & Furious Presents Hobbs and Shaw

Just about as stupid as a film could get and all the better for it. I've watched all the F&F films over the last few months and this one is easily my favourite. Reminded me a lot of late 80's early 90's action films of Arnie, Sly and Bruce but turned up to 11.

Great fun 8/10

To Live and Die in LA (1985)

Had high expectations of this from what I'd read, but the acting is a bit naff from the two leads. Which to be fair was their very early in their careers and probably on a par with films of the time. I probably would've thought this was a real edgey film had I watched it back in the eighties. But it hasn't aged that well, like a lot of films from that era.

Good car chase sequence given that it would have been all done practically at the time and stands up well today.


The Hateful Eight

Not one of Tarantino's best, but still has some great moments and performances all round. I don't mind long films if they hold my interest, but this one feels 20-30 minutes too long.

Oh dear does this movie look a total stinker or what :p I've only seen a trailer, but it looks like a candidate for worst film of the year. I'm amazed you got through it.

We have no problem putting on crappy comedies in the background, it's a browse-on-phone-and-kinda-watch-on-tv combo :D
Boss Level - 7/10

A guy is caught in a time loop with the same day repeating until he dies and awakes at the start of the day all over again. Great action set pieces, hits the ground running and keeps up the momentum all the way through. Really enjoyed it and was lots of fun, just imagine Groundhog Day with a special forces operative learning every scenario day after day. Humour was on point too.

Also when did Frank Grillo get jacked, don't remember him being this big in Winter Soldier or Purge.
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978)


I think everyone has heard of this so it was great to give it a whirl.

I did struggle to get over many very dated aesthetics of this film, which is interesting as it sort of sits in a time period where it doesn’t merely feel ‘old with charm’, but truly ‘dated’.

Donald Sutherland always has this effect on me with his retro attire and haircut - once again here he has the presence of a scholarly chemistry teacher who smells of mothballs. The film otherwise looks fairy amateur with its grainy presentation and un-slick editing. It feels like it was made two decades before Alien, yet Alien came out only one year later. Some of the practical special effects, which were sparingly used, were pretty good.

Edit - I watched Chinatown not long ago and that felt old but not ‘dated’ in the same way. It really stood out to me in this film for some reason.

Getting over that (and how volatile 70s electricals apparently are for starting fires... ) it did have its moments - the final sections in particular were exciting and the very final scene was still creepy / jarring even if it has been meme’d. This time Jeff Goldbluummmmm was a skinny mini.

The film also unfortunately suffers through no fault of its own as it has been parodied to death, so it never felt particular fresh (and even felt derivative, even thought it and the 50s original are the source of what is being parodied).

Wholly watchable but for me mostly interesting to observe how I reacted to its age (i.e. without charm).


Thanks to @arc@css for the recommendation :)
@Nitefly No worries. :) I forgot to mention that Leonard Nimoy was in it and played a good part.

As you say, quite dated in places.

Remember the bit when a middle-aged guy launched himself at Matthew's car while he was at the lights/talking to Elizabeth?
That was Kevin McCarthy who played the lead in the 1956 film. That's also a good one to check out.
Also when did Frank Grillo get jacked, don't remember him being this big in Winter Soldier or Purge.

He was pretty big for Kingdom (2014 to 2017) where he played an ex-MMA fighter. I don't know if he trained for that perhaps? I don't actually remember him in Winter Soldier... I need to watch it again :)
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