What film did you watch last night?

Things heard & seen 5/10
Decent cast, but this film doesn't really know what it wants to be. It's way too long, not very scary and has an unsatisfactory ending. Very average indeed.
Palm Springs (2020)

As a rule I generally don't watch comedies. Because as a rule they aren't very funny and inevitably have some kind of romantic element as well. This film, for me, was no exception. I think it raised a couple of minor chuckles and that was about it.


The Hitcher (1986)

I think the last time I watched this it was on VHS. Holds up surprisingly well for a film of its age. Far better than other films of the same age I've revisited recently.


Dawn of the Dead (1978)

A film that would've been on the video nasties banned list back in the day, which would've made me desperate to see it in the eighties. When I did finally get to see it then poor acting and dialogue wouldn't have mattered and it would've been all about the horror and gore.

Sadly, watching it now the only appreciation is for the genre of films it spawned. Everything else about the film is just a bit crap or in some scenes just plain unintentionally funny.


Day of the Dead (1986)

The last time I saw this film was during it's original theatrical run in the cinema, probably sometime in 1987. My main memory of it was of how real I thought the effects looked at the time.

A bit easier to re watch than Dawn of the Dead, but still suffers from less than stellar acting and dialogue.


The Prophet's Game (2000)

Denis Hopper stars in easily the worst film I've ever seen in my life. The acting is worse than any school production you've ever seen. In fact the two kids at the start of the film are the best actors on screen for the duration of the film.

I'm convinced that the the script was cobbled together from random pages from dozens of rejected screen plays, the dialogue just doesn't make sense half the time.

With the exception of True Romance, I've never really rated Denis Hopper, but his performance in this film is embarrassing to watch. He's all over the place and the supporting cast vary from truly awful to open mouthed astonishment that they ever got cast in anything ever.

In the past I would've just turned it off, but my wife and I have a rule that if we start a film then we finish it.

The Mitchells vs. The Machines (2021) - 7/10

A very energetic and colourful family film with just the right amount of silliness to make the absurdity of the situations fun.

It’s a bit slow at the start but it doesn’t take long to get zany and go over the top with its presentation, art style and action sequences.

The story is good and although the moral message is nothing new, it’s a heartfelt movie throughout.

Not particularly funny, although I guess the modern ‘social media’ generation might enjoy it more, but I would have preferred more of the older references, especially the ‘horror’ scenes which are played down because of its rating.

Entertaining and fun enough, although the choice of music was a bit odd at times.
Stowaway (2021) - 5/10

A predictable run of the mill space survival story that plays out far too safely.

Solid acting and setting with good music and atmosphere but it’s not very exciting or suspenseful and the lack of conflict between the crew means there’s not much drama or tension either.

It’s probably quite realistic how they approach the problems and what life is like on a scientific mission in space, but unfortunately, it’s not that interesting to watch.

When events do pick up it’s not by much and the plain characters, like the film, don’t leave much of a lasting impression.
Raw Deal (1986)

As a huge fan of Arnie, I'm ashamed to say i hadn't seen Raw Deal :D

Thoroughly enjoyed it throughout, Lots of action with a bit of comedy throw in at times, There's just something about mid 80s films that i love, Modern day films just don't have that atmosphere or feeling.

I rate it 9/10
Raw Deal (1986)

As a huge fan of Arnie, I'm ashamed to say i hadn't seen Raw Deal :D

Thoroughly enjoyed it throughout, Lots of action with a bit of comedy throw in at times, There's just something about mid 80s films that i love, Modern day films just don't have that atmosphere or feeling.

I rate it 9/10

One of my favourite Arnie films. I recall it being quite impressive in all aspects of production.
Black Swan (2010)

Hadn't seen this before, although the wife has and it was her choice last night.

To my surprise I did enjoy it, despite reservations over a film about a ballet dancer. Turned out to be a very good psychological horror film

Good performances all round, especially from Natalie Portman, she surprised me with how well she portrayed the dark side of her character.

Barbara Hershey was also very good as the over protective, controlling mother trying to live vicariously through her daughter.

Went to bed trying to think of the 80's horror film I'd seen her in, on VHS, back in the day. Came to me at 5:30 this morning. The Entity. Another one to add to the watch list.

Alien vs. Predator - I thought this had slight Event Horizon vibes when watching and, lo and behold, same director!!

Actually quite fun and then, at the end, incredibly silly with the ‘tag team’ going on.

Far more fun than the more recent Alien ‘prequel’ films but potentially terrible if you are wanting anything serious.

I also absolutely loved that shocked Predator face at the end. So funny. I kept going back to re-watch it. :D

The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)


I'm sure most are fairly familiar with the famous Stanford Prison experiment. This is a great re-enactment of exactly what unfolded during that experiment. It's always makes a film great when you know it is a completely true story and not a script. A fascinating watch.
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015)


I'm sure most are fairly familiar with the famous Stanford Prison experiment. This is a great re-enactment of exactly what unfolded during that experiment. It's always makes a film great when you know it is a completely true story and not a script. A fascinating watch.
The German film Das Experiment is a decent watch too: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0250258/
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (Late night Netflix "Switch brain off an watch whatever")

Now I will say I enjoyed the first couple of films in the franchise but what on earth was this abomination?!

I can't really tell if I or the cast were more bored throughout..

If possible I would give this a negative score out of ten.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (Late night Netflix "Switch brain off an watch whatever")

Now I will say I enjoyed the first couple of films in the franchise but what on earth was this abomination?!

I can't really tell if I or the cast were more bored throughout..

If possible I would give this a negative score out of ten.

Agreed, I actually kind of like the series but the last one is dreadful. So many random retcons and plotholes (they randomly change the name of the scientist and his daughter from Apocalypse?!?)

I watched Oxygen last night on Netflix, a kind of Buried Alive but a sci-fi take on it. It's nothing revolutionary but the main actress is excellent, a solid 7/10
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