What film did you watch last night?

Nomadland - 8/10
Really enjoyed this, almost has a documentary feel to it at times with the use of real people and the locations are stunning in some places.
The Bleeder (2016) 8/10

Story about Chuck Wepner's shot at the World Heavyweight title against Ali.

Wepner was allegedly the inspiration of Rocky. Watching the real fight from 1975, its interesting to see the lack of blocking, its like a real life Rocky film, where the boxers (Wepner) take countless punches to the face - some dirty tactics which are clear to see. But the fights are far better!

An unknown story and worth a watch if you enjoy Rocky or boxing in general. A very good film!
Tenet - stopped about half way through. what a load of contrived tosh. 3/10........it gets those 3 points purely for the concept and Robert Pattinson - i quite liked him in this, could maybe see him as a bond one day? lead actor is all sorts of awful, imo.

interstellar - good solid 7/10 right up til the schmaltzy, floating in a parallel dimension 'library' talking to a Hal 9000 clone cause we've run out of ideas/budget/whatever, malarkey :p

I tend to agree on Interstellar and havent yet bothered with Tenet cos its same director... but my son was raving about it... No accounting for taste eh?!

This isn’t awful but it is obnoxiously blasé with involving the audience with its story. You can only really have ‘a fair idea’ of what is going on, so you can follow it but it is dissatisfying. It would be far better if they made it easier to follow. It’s the wrong sort of complicated.


...the buildings blowing up backwards made no sense! Shouldn’t have been possible based on the lore of the film. The building would have had to go through a ‘backwards portal’.

Still, despite the frustrations, there is a lot to enjoy and has some genuine excitement.

Siberia - 2/10

Seriously, what the hell was that? Was intriguing to start with, and then the whole thing turned out to be an utterly pointless waste of time. The netflix description was complete and utter lies.

Such an odd "story".
I've just started watching Siberia. It is a little odd
Nomadland - 8/10
Really enjoyed this, almost has a documentary feel to it at times with the use of real people and the locations are stunning in some places.

Agreed, saw this yesterday and really enjoyed it. There was an audible gasp from the audience (myself included :cry:) with "the box" scene, which showed how dialled in we were.
The Swordsman (Korean movie) Solid 7/10

Very good movie. And these are the type of movies i love watching.
Dazed and Confused - 9/10

Car porn. A pre-'huge fame' Milla Jovovich. More car porn. Tight writing and direction from Linklater.

Yet more car porn.
Dazed and Confused - 9/10

Car porn. A pre-'huge fame' Milla Jovovich. More car porn. Tight writing and direction from Linklater.

Yet more car porn.
Such a brilliant and possibly unappreciated film. I might have to watch that this evening again. McConaghy is such a cool cat in this.
Romancing the Stone (1984)

I remember back when this was released there seemed to be a big buzz about it and it being a massive box office success.

But some how I've never managed to never see it. As a consequence, by today's standards, it's all a bit cheesy and a bit lame.

Despite this, it does have a certain undeniable charm that kept me watching until the end.

Like old James Bond films, if you grew up with them, you can get over cheesiness. But I couldn't see a modern audience giving it a chance.

Might be a while before I tackle the sequel though.

Arrival. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543164/

I can't remember that much about it as I fell asleep during viewing but what I saw seemed decent enough.

I recognised the male physicist/scientist from other movies but not the female/main character.

I'll probably watch it again in the future.

You'll probably fall asleep during your second viewing too.

I've watched it twice since it was released and I found it just a bit dull. I don't mind slow burn films, but this one didn't so it for me.
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