What film did you watch last night?

A Quiet Place 2 - 7.5/10.

Not many ridiculous/stupid character decisions and very tense in parts (why didn't the harbour people head to the island?! I know they may have not 'worked out' the message' but wouldn't people head there anyway?)

I thought it wouldn't work without Kranski, but Cilian Murphy is a great actor.

Monsters, especially the car chase scene at the end was a rip off of the scene from Stranger Things. Also, when Cilian and deaf girl teamed up, especially in the dark as they approached the harbour - Joel and Ellie!!
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Fear Street Part One: 1994 (Netflix)

Turned it off after an hour when I realised I had been browsing the net for the last 20 minutes.

Think I have had enough of teenagers + horror. Part 2 is apparently at a camp. Like that has never been done before.

Not for me out of 10.
6/10 from me for The Tomorrow War.

Entertaining in places but pretty stupid and too many attempts at lame comedy moments.

I'd agree, too much potential for an actual decent twist that was pretty much ruined by the whole 'good guys win'. Which is fine, its a good flick, but it just had a huge potential to be a bit more whilst keeping that aliens v humans Hollywood flick about it.
7/10 for The Tomorrow War

I enjoyed it, told a complete story, has good action and Chris Pratt was fun to watch in it. This is the type of summer block buster I see less and less of these days, I don’t know if I’m just missing these types of movies when they are released.

It stumbles at the start with the scenes of the selection process and the people who would go to the future. The short training period and the type of people they were selecting just never sat well with me and took me out of the film. Its just not believable that these people would survive a war

After this the film took some time to recover and get going, it was a bit unnecessary as you could have made it all ex-soldiers that were sent and Chris Pratts character would still have ended up where he did. I think they were trying to add in the cast of wacky characters to make it a bit more fun but it could have been done better.
"The Tomorrow War" with the family. We really enjoyed it. Pratt is always watchable and it's a fun, action flick. Best not to think too much about the plot (especially the logistics of the final act) but we had fun watching it (with popcorn, naturally).
The initial jump (both times you see it) is horrifying. The idea of having transported into that situation and then falling, helpless, to your death is just awful. Even the people who survived the fall but didn't have the shear luck to hit the pool would've died horribly when the White Spikes overran the building or been blown up minutes later.
I've watched 10 minutes of Robin Hood (2018). It's ten minutes of my life I'm never getting back: 0/10.
I made it as far as the hyper-powerful machine-crossbow that only required one hand and a little tug to activate, but I was only clinging on by a thread already.
The Tomorrow War - excellent, not classic movie status, but excellent, until......

Volcano boy, "bring me a laptop" GTFO! And then the solo Arctic Mission. Also a couple of cheesy lines and some wooden acting from CP (still thinks he's awesome though).

I just wish they could have come up with a different plot to make the discovery and then get them out to the Arctic.

But from the future people's arrival to the oil rig jump back, Holy poop, that was a fun ride!
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The Tomorrow War - 5½/10

I agree, it's entertaining, but it's possibly one of the cheesiest movies I've seen in some time. I can imagine them using a room of 8 year olds to develop the plot and help with the generating of tension.

Things like, they accidentally drop from a few hundred feet up, but don't worry, all our heroes land in a swimming pool on a high rise? Others land on the side of the pool... but are fine?! Also, and maybe I saw this wrong as I think I was sorting something to eat, not being overly gripped by the movie, but did they basically wrestle the mother alien into the box? Really?

So, if you can accept these sort of things, sure, it's entertaining enough, but overall I would say it's a bad movie.

I also couldn't quite understand why their idea was to go back in time and bring people forward to the action?! Why wouldn't you go back in time and prepare them, or as our hero did, kill them at the source? (Again, 8 year olds making the plot) It would even have been a better plan, knowing what was coming, to go back and encourage people to have more kids, build a larger population, rather than take people back to the future. How on earth is taking people back a good plan?!
The Tomorrow War - it was fun during the action as said above but so many coincidences as to be laughable - if only we knew a... Oh I know one! 3/5 for perseverance.
I've stopped over-analysing movies as I've come to the conclusion that the vast majority of Hollywood is literally run by Screenwriter Guy (from the Pitch Meeting series) and they don't care about logic as long as they make money. There are just so many films nowadays that are "good" but with a few seconds thought are so full of holes and stupidity that they break with even their own established reality, never mind ours.
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The Tomorrow War - 5½/10

I also couldn't quite understand why their idea was to go back in time and bring people forward to the action?! Why wouldn't you go back in time and prepare them, or as our hero did, kill them at the source? (Again, 8 year olds making the plot) It would even have been a better plan, knowing what was coming, to go back and encourage people to have more kids, build a larger population, rather than take people back to the future. How on earth is taking people back a good plan?!

Indeed, 25 to 30 years to develop better weapons that could actually penetrate the outer hide of the creatures, rather than unloading a clip of standard ammo and getting nowhere. I mean, if they could develop time travel tech, then some form of rail gun or beam weapon should have been a doddle.
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