What film did you watch last night?

Fast 9


I do like this franchise, but it just went out of this world stupid. It was alright and passed time, but it's probably the weakest of all the films imo
I rewatched Devil last night, 5 people trapped in an elevator with various dark secrets, one of them is the Devil.

A tight, well paced horror movie with a somewhat obvious conclusion but quite a gem in a sea of mediocre horror.

mother! (2017)

Having watched Requiem For a Dream and Black Swan recently, this is another winner from Darren Aronofsky.

The film is part psychological horror, part love story, part old testament allegory and is also brutally violent in places.

Extra praise for the sound design, which definitely deserves to be listen to though a surround sound system. It really enhances the experience and is almost essential to the film as it has no musical score to build tension and atmosphere.

Beverly Hills Cop 3

Wow, how the mighty fell back in the day. 1 is a classic, 2 is very watchable but what a turd the third film truly is.

Took my 11 year old to a 4D(!) showing of Jungle Cruise on Sunday. It was good fun. I'd never been to a 4D screening before (and he'd never even done 3D). Cost a fortune (£32 for the two of us), but a worthwhile experience.

I didn't buy The Rock as a pun-loving riverboat captain, though.

Having watched Requiem For a Dream and Black Swan recently, this is another winner from Darren Aronofsky.
I watched those two, along with The Wrestler, in an Aronofski binge last summer. Despite being into wrestling, that one was my least favourite of them, but Requiem in particular was spectacular!

I've not gotten around to his other films, but I see Mother! is in Prime, so might check it out.
Cherry...solid 9/10 my only complaint is that the 2 main actor/actress should have been 5 years older than they are to make it more realistic...otherwise a very strong story. I like self narrating films so that was a big plus for me.

mother! (2017)

Having watched Requiem For a Dream and Black Swan recently, this is another winner from Darren Aronofsky.

The film is part psychological horror, part love story, part old testament allegory and is also brutally violent in places.

Extra praise for the sound design, which definitely deserves to be listen to though a surround sound system. It really enhances the experience and is almost essential to the film as it has no musical score to build tension and atmosphere.

This is a truly terrible film. Unless you want to be perpetually annoyed / frustrated…. Then it’s great.

Really, really didn’t like it. Seems to draw that reaction from some people. I’m not typically adverse to unconventional / avante garde things either. It just rubbed me in all the wrong ways by frustrating me.

The experience was akin to a dream of running after a train pulling away from a station, always out of reach, whilst being constantly tapped on the head by an invisible hand, whilst being followed by a pervasive wasp. Absurdly annoying - I just don’t think the audience should be made to feel that way.
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This is a truly terrible film. Unless you want to be perpetually annoyed / frustrated…. Then it’s great.

Really, really didn’t like it. Seems to draw that reaction from some people. I’m not typically adverse to unconventional / avante garde things either. It just rubbed me in all the wrong ways by frustrating me.

The experience was akin to a dream of running after a train pulling away from a station, always out of reach, whilst being constantly tapped on the head by an invisible hand, whilst being followed by a pervasive wasp. Absurdly annoying - I just don’t think the audience should be made to feel that way.

Now I really want to watch it, purely to see how bad it could be :D
Now I really want to watch it, purely to see how bad it could be :D
Your enjoyment will probably depend on how tolerant you are at being annoyed for the sake of the ‘art’.

I can take being made to feel sad, scared, disgusted or otherwise being made to feel uncomfortable, but being made to feel annoyed in my free time is where I draw the line.

10/10 for provoking a reaction, I guess?
This is a truly terrible film. Unless you want to be perpetually annoyed / frustrated…. Then it’s great.

Really, really didn’t like it. Seems to draw that reaction from some people. I’m not typically adverse to unconventional / avante garde things either. It just rubbed me in all the wrong ways by frustrating me.

The experience was akin to a dream of running after a train pulling away from a station, always out of reach, whilst being constantly tapped on the head by an invisible hand, whilst being followed by a pervasive wasp. Absurdly annoying - I just don’t think the audience should be made to feel that way.

I think it's easy to see how the film can cause polarising options on whether or not it's great or terrible.

Funnily enough we also watched Donnie Darko last week and there's a film I've seen twice now and I just don't get what all the fuss is about.
Your enjoyment will probably depend on how tolerant you are at being annoyed for the sake of the ‘art’.

I can take being made to feel sad, scared, disgusted or otherwise being made to feel uncomfortable, but being made to feel annoyed in my free time is where I draw the line.

10/10 for provoking a reaction, I guess?

Aha that's totally fair. I loved it for all the reasons you didn't it seems. I think Aronofskys an arrogant ****** who's at his best when his Producers keep him on a short leash, but man was it good to see him chase his own tail in this. Just thought it was so raw and frantic in all the ways I sometimes wish Hollywood could allow itself to be. A coked up mess of unstudied philosophical meandering thrown together by a narcissist who just so happens to be a good filmmaker. That ending all but gave me an anxiety attack which in my opinion earns it a 10 xD

I think it's easy to see how the film can cause polarising options on whether or not it's great or terrible.

Funnily enough we also watched Donnie Darko last week and there's a film I've seen twice now and I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

I think DD is very much a generational thing to a lot of people. If you where an angsty teenager around 2001 you had some ridiculously good films to go and see. Amelie, Fellowship of the Ring, Moulin Rouge and The Royal Tenenbauns all came out that year from what I can remember. Then you had Donnie Darko which felt like the last breath of the modern Hollywood art house movement of the 90s and it meant the world to us as teens. TBF I think Mullholland Drive also came out that year or close to it, but Lynch has always been a world apart from anyone else and isn't really a great comparison.

Edit: Just had a look at the releases for 2001 and christ, Spirited Away AND Monsters Inc came out that year... What a time to be alive :(:(:(
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