What film did you watch last night?

Cabaret and Tootsie, loving watching some of these older films - both for the first time. Rate both of them; Tootsie was pretty funny and Liza Minnelli is quite something in Cabaret.
I have just finished the new Disney film Encanto and I'm pleased to report that it is one of the strongest Disney films, if not THE strongest, in terms of an absolutely wonderful balance of wellbeing messaging...

BUT (and it's a big BUT) they completely **** it in literally the last minute of the film. Ok, it didn't completely ruin it, but what I'm taking about certainly added nothing but took away a lot:

...they got BACK their powers?! Are you kidding me!!! They had just all learned that they were all brilliant for who they were without their powers and that was all they needed... they could rebuild their life as a team with their love through honesty... AND THEY THEN GOT BACK THEIR POWERS?!?!?!


I thought it was interesting as I did spend the first half of the movie not liking her (eg I didn't like 'Up' as I thought the old guy was just a d*ck and that stuck with me) then you get the twist and you rather go 'oh, hmm, well I guess that's different'. I'm not sure what you mean about her 'help she musters along the way pulling at heart strings'? I didn't think she particularly did? She kept it all secret?

Drunken rambling, best ignored :D
Spiderman - new one. Liked it, didnt think it was anything other then a 7 out of 10. Thought some moments with precious spider...men were cringey tbh.

Cineworld Screen X however is a complete waste of time 3/10
Watched, don’t look up. I thought it was brilliant, odd angle of course but a pretty stark message. I also quite liked Matrix Resurrections as easy entertainment decoupling from hardcore matrix fan stuff, both have a similar message of control and what humans seem to like which couldn’t be better timed for current situation.

I have just finished the new Disney film Encanto and I'm pleased to report that it is one of the strongest Disney films, if not THE strongest, in terms of an absolutely wonderful balance of wellbeing messaging...

BUT (and it's a big BUT) they completely **** it in literally the last minute of the film. Ok, it didn't completely ruin it, but what I'm taking about certainly added nothing but took away a lot:

...they got BACK their powers?! Are you kidding me!!! They had just all learned that they were all brilliant for who they were without their powers and that was all they needed... they could rebuild their life as a team with their love through honesty... AND THEY THEN GOT BACK THEIR POWERS?!?!?!


It was good and typical Disney ace’ing the musicality. Just felt odd with no real baddy. And yeah power returning very odd.
Old (M.Night Shamalalayan) -7.5/10

This could be an 8 but the sheer stupidity of certain characters and their actions brings it down a tad. A family goes on a vacation to a lovely island and are encouraged to visit a special beach on this island that has lovely views and is private. Once there they, and a few others already there find themselves rapidly aging all of a sudden.

I quite enjoyed this flick. I am not a big M.Night fan but the film kept the tension high throughout if you can overlook a few bad decisions by certain characters. Can't say anymore really but it wasn't too bad.
Dune, part one

Slow paced, confident in itself and trusting of its audience, Dune is a very different film to the modern norm. It feels much more like classic epics than modern blockbusters, but now delivered with jawdropping CGI and impeccable aesthetic design. It's visually stunning and the sound design is incredible. It's a film almost as much about sitting back and enjoying the show as it is about the plot. I don't know how it would fair for people unfamiliar with Dune from the books or Lynch's version since major plot points seem to be left without explanation, but for me it was one of the most enjoyable cinematic experiences I've seen in recent times.

The only reason I'm not going to give it 10/10 is that is quite definitely half a film, and I don't think it can be properly judged until we see the second half. A must watch 8/10

(As an aside: this was the first film I bought and streamed through YouTube. The stream was really excellent quality without even a single visible artefact, much better than you'd see from Prime and better even than Netflix).
Don't Look Up....should have been called Don't Watch Me.

One one hand it tries to be serious, on the other hand it tries to be funny but in the end it just fails to do either and falls flat.

100% agree, don't understand why this movie is getting so much hype, it was awful.

I kinda liked the premise of it, but it was done so badly.

Solid 8/10 from me.

Some cool archive footage of himself and others. An intersting insight into his journey and where he is now. Some sad moments as you'd expect too, definitely worth watching.
Sweet Girl (2021) - 2/10

A run of the mill conspiracy / revenge thriller with a ridiculous plot twist that pretty much ruins the movie.

It’s interesting enough, but the unrealistic plot makes it hard to sympathize with the main character as they come across as a bit of a psychopath and the ending is awful.

The fight, action scenes and acting is ok and the way they deal with their grief is emotive, but the pacing could have been better.
The Grand Duke of Corsica.
A weird sub-plot about Francis of Assisi adds to this films madness. Supposed to be a bit of a homage to Belly of an Architect, but its not as good, although Tim Spall is on song, as he usually is. 6/10.
Justice League - ZS cut


The CGI is so bloody awful it's almost embarrassing to witness. Aquaman is also one cheesy character with his one liners and the guy can't act!
The Last Duel - 7/10

I really enjoyed this actually. I don't understand the hate for it. Yes they had funny haircuts.. big woop. I'd imagine people did back then! I thought all the performances were decent, also. It could have been trimmed a shade but beyond that I thought it was very good, shame to not see it on a big screen. I have always maintained that people are regularly voting movies a few points lower than they would had they seen it at the cinema with a massive screen, thumping sound and more importantly - no distractions/mobiles to play with etc. I sound like Ridley Scott :p
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