What film did you watch last night?

Far Cry - pretty poor film based on the game but I've never played it so it was just another film to me. Below par acting with probably only one good scene in the whole film! Wouldn't watch again.

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not awesome but ok. plot is a bit thin.

Grown Ups

just the ticket. Full of laughs, reminds me of the National Lampoon films

Just watched Salt - 7/10 i think not bad for the type of film, also interesting that it was originally meant to star Tom Cruise, and was rewritten for Jolie after he pulled out.
The Expendables - good mindless Bank Holiday action !! Not much to think about, plenty of guns and big explosions. Just funny watching Sly Stallone running, he looks like a dwarf with them short legs haha
Just got back from watching my first 3D film and it was Avatar special edition! already got it on blu-ray but i wanted to see it 3D and i was completely blow away!

cant see anything beating it visually for a long time also the added footage was good also some wicked new animals!
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