Avatar in 3D. I'd not seen it before. It was pretty good. The concept and plot weren't spectacular, and it did lay it on a bit thick with the Iraq/exploitation parallels at times, but there was enough to carry the effects along, which were really what the film was all about. The visuals were amazing, and I did really like the colours and the imaginative scenery, plants and animals. The final battle was also very impressive.
The 3D was a mixed bag. For every scene where it looked really good, there was another where it looked like a cardboard diorama. I didn't get headache-y or anything, though, so it could have been worse. I just didn't think it looked that great, and there were times when it really didn't work for me because my eyes were trying to focus on the wrong thing and everything got all screwed up in my head. The most obvious time was towards the end where he is coming through a narrow door in his wheelchair - the door says "Airlock" on the left side. My brain was frantically trying to focus on the door, and that made him look really weird, which really broke the illusion.
It's immature technology, and I'm not sure how it will play out - whether it will be a fad, or whether they'll perfect it in some way.
In other news, I would be all over Michelle Rodriguez with her warpaint on. Damn.