What film did you watch last night?

Avatar in 3D. I'd not seen it before. It was pretty good. The concept and plot weren't spectacular, and it did lay it on a bit thick with the Iraq/exploitation parallels at times, but there was enough to carry the effects along, which were really what the film was all about. The visuals were amazing, and I did really like the colours and the imaginative scenery, plants and animals. The final battle was also very impressive.

The 3D was a mixed bag. For every scene where it looked really good, there was another where it looked like a cardboard diorama. I didn't get headache-y or anything, though, so it could have been worse. I just didn't think it looked that great, and there were times when it really didn't work for me because my eyes were trying to focus on the wrong thing and everything got all screwed up in my head. The most obvious time was towards the end where he is coming through a narrow door in his wheelchair - the door says "Airlock" on the left side. My brain was frantically trying to focus on the door, and that made him look really weird, which really broke the illusion.

It's immature technology, and I'm not sure how it will play out - whether it will be a fad, or whether they'll perfect it in some way.

In other news, I would be all over Michelle Rodriguez with her warpaint on. Damn.
Just got back from seeing inception at cinema.

Very clever film with one hell of a build up which starts basically from the word go. Very visceral at times as well and was packed with superb acting throughout.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Terrible film. Avoid.

Cliched references to games throughout (8-bit everything, game music...) in a movie that had nothing to do with games. The comic book POW and lightning bolts and things were completely overused. And Michael Cera plays exactly the same role that he plays in every other movie (ie. He's not acting, he's playing himself).
The Expendables.

Not that bad actually, bit cheesy, very predictable, but a good watch. 7/10
I found that film deeply confusing.

I have to admit that I was about three-quarters of the way through it before I understood much of what was going on - it certainly wasn't going to explain anything directly. But I like intelligent dramas which assume intelligence in the viewer. Which is not the same as pretension (stand up, makers of "Lost").

Blood Diamond

How have I missed out on this, awesome film, only thing that bothered be was De Caprio's accent started to grate a bit but other than that it was great

Grown Ups

Terrible acting and bad jokes, one or two funnies crop here and there. Just a generic, predictable comedy
Day of the Jackal (1979 one, not the rubbish American re-make).

I love that film. Was going through my collection wondering what to watch and settled on that one :)
Avatar special edition in 3d at the cinemas last night. First time I have seen it and thought it was excellent. 3d made it for me, despite what some people say.
Piranha 3D

Not the best acting but a decentish story as to how they came about/survived 2 million years. It is quite a gory movie, the lady i was with didn't like that too much but i loved it :D

The 3D effects we're quite poor, only a few times did you see real 3D effects and one think i can check off the list of life is seeing a 3D penis.....

The main problem was the movie seemed to end so abruptly and i wasn't expecting it to be the end scene at all, also what happens at the end is so predictable if you have seen the old piranha movies.

Marmaduke , it was :mad: Crap

Anyway , what was the movie on the TV that marmaduke looked at ?. Looked like an old 1970's flick with a dog

n/m Old Yeller
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Watched Syriana this morning. It was really good, dragged it's feet a little bit, but very good film.

Just read back a few pages and saw people have watched it recently too. Strange coincidence! I didn't find it that confusing, as long as you keep track of the characters and what they are trying to do it isn't too bad. It's not one you can just put on and half watch though. I thought the final scene was very poignant and telling too.
Just watched My sisters keeper on recommendation from a couple of women in work. One of them said that her husband watched it alone and she found him in tears unable to speak after watching it.

I didn't feel that emotional over it really. I don't know if it's because I was told it was a sad movie and was determined not to feel sad over it or maybe i'm just not the type of guy to cry over things like this?

8/10 anyway.
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