What film did you watch last night?

Damsel (2024) - 6/10
Passable entertainment in a beautiful fairytale setting let down by an uninspired plot.

The story’s predictable, the characters are stereotypical and some of their costumes look cheap but the acting’s good, even if the dialogue is a bit wooden.

The middle act is rather boring with dark and dingy settings and barely passable levels of suspense and the ending does little to alleviate this, but the special effects look good and as adventures go, it could have been worse.
Poor Things - 2/10 - Whilst both Emma Stone and Willem Dafoe (bad accent included) are very good in this very obvious "Oscar Bait" film, and there's the "woah, she's naked" angle as well, it's just a very poor film from start to finish due to the visual look and direction. It felt very similar to "The Lighthouse" also staring Willem Dafoe and has that same kind of etherial surrealist look which is visually grabbing initially but overall the story just isn't able to keep you engaged. Stone I thought really did a fantastic job of showing her metal progression through-out the film but even her nude very quickly became more of a "OK, but what else" once it was repeated time after time.

Damsel - 3/10 - If you want to listen to just over 30 solid minutes of Millie Bobbie Brown screaming and grunting in pain (30 min to 1hr point) with literally 1-2 lines spoken in that time, then this is the film for you my friend! It's a fairly typical "weak person overcomes obstacles and becomes great" story, with her obstacle being when she is a live sacrifice to a dragon which she has to escape from, but its not a distinct enough story, nor a well written or acted enough one (despite the supposedly stellar cast) for you to really care what happens, as we all know exactly how the story will play out. The best part for me is Shohreh Aghdashloo as the voice of the Dragon (she played Chrisjen Avasarala in The Expanse - a very unique dusky voice) who quite literally eats the scenery every time she's on screen.
Damsel (2024) - 6/10
Passable entertainment in a beautiful fairytale setting let down by an uninspired plot.

The story’s predictable, the characters are stereotypical and some of their costumes look cheap but the acting’s good, even if the dialogue is a bit wooden.

The middle act is rather boring with dark and dingy settings and barely passable levels of suspense and the ending does little to alleviate this, but the special effects look good and as adventures go, it could have been worse.
Agreed, and was going to give it the same score.

The dragon was well done, very cool design. I don’t rate MBB as an actress though, would’ve been better with someone else as the lead.
Damsel - 6/10

I think the last 20 mins or so really let this down. I don't think it needed her actually fighting the dragon, I think the emphasis on her running and trying to outwit it was better. Thought the dragon was ace (both the effects and the voice actress) MBB was fine, quite like her as a lead actually. Think she is really starting to look like a young Keira Knightley as she gets older. There were definitely areas that could have been improved but it was a nice little fun fantasy film.
Poor Things - 6/10 - Not sure what all the fuss is about. Stone acted really well, but the story wasnt up to much (who knew you could get bored of Stone naked...!). Could have lost 30 mins and been better for it. Oscar bait cinema for the sake of it
Alien: Covenant - 5/10

We-e-e-e-e-ell...it's nowhere near as terrible as I remembered it being. It's not great, that's for damned sure. But at least a few of the cast (Fassbender, Waterson, McBride) didn't entirely disgrace themselves.

And they didn't spend quite as much as was wasted on The Great Wall.
I watched Argylle over the weekend. It was passable but it was so obvious that it was trying to be in a similar vein as the Kingsman movies but for a younger audience. The twists didnt really hit and the comedy wasnt great at all.

I watched Argylle over the weekend. It was passable but it was so obvious that it was trying to be in a similar vein as the Kingsman movies but for a younger audience. The twists didnt really hit and the comedy wasnt great at all.


I haven’t seen Argylle, but I believe in the credits it makes it clear that it’s in the same universe as the Kingsmen.
Argylle, passable Sunday evening film. 5.5/10 Family enjoyed it but were all on their phones at various points of the film. Better than the junk that was on tv though!
Poor Things

Looked gorgeous, and an enjoyable enough story with some pacing issues. 7/10

57 Seconds

I'm a sucker for time-travel type stuff, but this missed the mark a bit, mainly due to the lead having zero gravitas compared to Freeman and the main bad guy. 5/10

5 Blind Dates

Typical rom-com fair that had an opportunity to try and shake up the formula, but sadly gave away the ending literally within the first few minutes, and the lacked the charm it would otherwise need to be ok. 5/10

Double Blind

Felt like a long Black Mirror episode, which isn't terrible, but a bit predictable. Some fun deaths though. 6/10

Which Brings Me To You

Trailer made it look like a rom-com, and Lucy Hale is fun to watch in those, but it turns out it had little-to-no com, and more rom/drama, droma I guess. 3/10
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Furie (2019) - 8/10

A traditional revenge thriller which stands out mainly due to its location and good acting.

The slow-ish start sets the scene with beautiful rural Vietnam and humble country living before moving into the crowded, filthy and corrupt city.

The martial arts fight scenes and chase scenes are good with ample dramatic music but they look sped up, as are other parts of the film.

Good characterization of the tough yet emotionally vulnerable mother on her mission to save her daughter and whilst the other characters are barely present, they are memorable and serve their purpose.

Its style doesn’t really become apparent until the end and whilst it doesn’t really do anything new, it does it well.
Damsel (2024) - 6/10
Passable entertainment in a beautiful fairytale setting let down by an uninspired plot.

The story’s predictable, the characters are stereotypical and some of their costumes look cheap but the acting’s good, even if the dialogue is a bit wooden.

The middle act is rather boring with dark and dingy settings and barely passable levels of suspense and the ending does little to alleviate this, but the special effects look good and as adventures go, it could have been worse.

Thought it wasn't nearly as bad as some made out. Enjoyed it as a movie and probably agree with your score. For me it wasn't entirely boring but the ending was quite satisfying. :D
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