What film did you watch last night?

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

I rather enjoyed the first Transformers movie but felt it went downhill pretty fast and so skipped most of them since then, but I figured I could give it another chance. I have a feeling I watched Bumblebee on a plane but I remembered nothing about it until I watched this one. It's okay, there's some decent action and it looks good. Its funny in places and the plot is, you know, a plot. None of it feels particularly innovative or gripping, and as hard as the film tries to pack an emotional punch it just doesn't do a good enough job of making you care about anything for it to work. Still, it clipped along at a decent rate and I didn't get bored.

6/10 Watchable if you're at loose end and can't find anything better.
Over the last couple of weeks:

Kneecap: 8/10 really enjoyed it. It's about a rap trio coming up in Ireland, rapping in Irish. If you like Guy Ritchie kind of stuff it has that type of vibe.

The Outrun: 9/10 can't say 'enjoyed' is the right word but it's definitely worth a watch. It's about someone struggling with addiction on Orkney, maybe avoid if you find the theme distressing.

The Challengers: 3/10 turned it off an hour in. Maybe better if you're a thirsty teenager pining after Zendaya. We both wish we'd not even bothered with the first hour.
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