What film did you watch last night?

Couple more Disney films knocked out. Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast (original animated version)

Yup. they're Disney films. Beauty and the Beast has some nice use of CGI for the ballroom which is pretty impressive for the year it was made.

You’re not wrong, it is impressive…

… but Sleeping Beauty is a stunner of a film to look at. Wonderful. Nearly bankrupted them IIRC since it was so extravagant. Brought in the era of the cheaper ‘scrappy looking’ Disney films (Jungle Book, 101 Dalmatians, Aristocats, Robin Hood).
I watched a couple of old Disney films recently too. Sword in the Stone was not as good as I remember it, bits of it are good but the overall plot is a mess. Robin Hood I really enjoyed though.
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You’re not wrong, it is impressive…

… but Sleeping Beauty is a stunner of a film to look at. Wonderful. Nearly bankrupted them IIRC since it was so extravagant. Brought in the era of the cheaper ‘scrappy looking’ Disney films (Jungle Book, 101 Dalmatians, Aristocats, Robin Hood).

Yeah, Malificents transformation is amazingly good.

The 4k remaster of cinderella is superb too. It looks like new. They finally got it right after years of dnr scrubbing.

I watched a couple of old Disney films recently too. Sword in the Stone was not as good as I remember it, bits of it are good but the overall plot is a mess. Robin Hood I really enjoyed though.

... aaand now I have that roosters song in my head....
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Also, try Dawn od the Dead and Day of the dead, far better than his more recent movies.
I actually quite like Hopper in Waterworld to be fair. And his scene with Christopher Walken in True Romance he holds his own, but it's still Walken that makes it so memorable.
I've seen both Day and Dawn of the dead. I actually saw Day of the Dead at the cinema and at the time thought it was great. But a rewatch about a year or two ago didn't go as well. I've also seen Dawn of the the Dead a number of times and it's ok for when it was made, but like I've said before, they don't age well.
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