What film did you watch last night?

The A-Team

Usually my blind buys pay off as I know what kind of film I like, this however was a bit rubbish though. Not much of an engaging storyline, some of the effects were very iffy and the action wasn't up to much either

Tried to watch Cop Out last night, either I wasn't in the frame of my mind or it was just that ****

The black actor just annoyed the hell out of me from the start and it just wasn't funny. I gave it 10 mins before I turned it off.
Tried to watch Cop Out last night, either I wasn't in the frame of my mind or it was just that ****

The black actor just annoyed the hell out of me from the start and it just wasn't funny. I gave it 10 mins before I turned it off.

Aye, Tracy Morgan is a bit marmite at times. He's good in 30 Rock, but then you only have 20 minutes of him at most.
I watched:

Funny People
Get him to the Greek

Two films of the sort I wouldn't usually watch, but my housemate had them on so I sat down to watch.
Both were pretty funny actually, plenty of laugh of loud moments, good comedies all round.
I don't usually like Adam Sandler and usually can't stand Russell Brand but Sandler wasn't really the focus of Funny People so it all kind of worked around him with a decent cast of genuinely funny guys, and Brand's character in Get him to the Greek was practically made for him to play, he worked really well in it.

I recommend them both if you fancy a bit of low brain function laughs.
I'm doing night shifts at the moment.

Last night i watched:

Mr & Mrs Smith (great for a mindless shooter)
Saving Private Ryan (greatest war film of all time)


Hot Fuzz. (Awesomeness)

This evenning i have planned:

The A-Team
Shaun of the Dead

Should be a good night :D
Skyline - I don't get why some people say this film is unwachable, it wasn't all that bad even though it had quite few poor moments but the idea was all not that bad. 5/10
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