What film did you watch last night?

Black Swan - 4/10 meh........it's saving grace was that it had nice looking albeit slightly anorexic women in it.
The Mechanic - great stuff, standard quality Jason Stantham action flick :) - 7/10

Hachi: A Dog's Tale - very good - 7.2/10

Inside Job - Good documentary narrated by Matt Daemon on the recent recession 6.5/10
Babylon AD on Channel 4.

It's amazingly rubbish throughout although the French actress who plays Aurora was quite fit at least. 3/10
Paul at the cinema. Very funny and they're back to the level they were with Shaun of the Dead.... rather than that turgid crap Hot Fuzz.

8/10 as I was pleasantly suprised, this had the potential to be a real turkey.
Clash of the Titans (2010 version) - Not a bad film. Enjoyed parts. 6/10

Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels - Seen it umpteen times, love it, not as good as Snatch but bloody close. 9/10

Was just on TV. Always loved watching Superman :)
500 days of summer, I thought it was rather good and really liked Joseph Gordon-Levitt in it. 9/10
Mr and Mrs Smith for me and the Mrs last night

Great film, Angelina looks so hot in it something I did not share with the g/f :p

Paranormal Activity 2

Not quite on par with number 1 but still a good watch and for the first time in years I actually jumped at one point, something most films like that fail to do. Only the once though.


Ghost's Don't Exist

Should be renamed Actors Don't Exist because clearly the people in this can't act. Turned off after 25 minutes as just couldn't get in to it because of the cheap porn style acting in it.

no score given
13 - 9/10
Quite a strange film but I really enjoyed this one

300 - 8/10
First time I had ever seen this and thought it was really quite good

Faster - 7/10
Mindless violence, what's not to like?

Mega Python vs Gatoroid - 4/10
Nowhere near as "good" as Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
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