What film did you watch last night?

Gone Baby Gone

I'd watched The Town and was impressed by BAffleck's directing so figured I'd give this a shot. Really really enjoyed it. A couple of solid plot twists and great acting 8/10
Wow, you are the first person i have seen who has such a reaction to that film, i thought it was great but each to their own i suppose.

Last night i watched Avatar in full glorious 1080p goodness....it was still rather underwhelming.

Thats the third try and it doesnt get anymore chances i am afraid.


This is why i don't really read film reviews. I loved IG, brilliant film.
Watched Buried last night, very enjoyable film... well perhaps enjoyable is the wrong word, very good film.

Was quite surprised too as i didn't fancy it at all.
Only film reviews I pay attention to are / is Mark Kermode / Simon Mayo's podcast :)

Watched Paul last night, found it funny in places, good characters and a decent story line, just felt very underwhelmed by it all. Meh.

Tucked and Dale V Evil enjoyed it a lot, very funny, really good spoof kind of thing, although I feel calling it a spoof does it an injustice as it's so much more.
4321 - seriously ****!

Not even worth giving a 0/10 for this one. I thought nothing could get any worse than 44 Inch Chest I watched the other night, but I was wrong, this one eclipses it for general ****ness by a good long way.
Last night i watched Avatar in full glorious 1080p goodness....it was still rather underwhelming.

Thats the third try and it doesnt get anymore chances i am afraid.


I quite enjoyed this film to be honest and I thought that in bluray it looked absolutely spectacular. One of the best bluray quality films I have ever seen, imo.
Finally got round to watching Cannibal Holocaust (6/10) and Cannibal Holocaust 2 (8/10). The second in particular was very good. Very gruesome, but didn't feel particulary gratuitory. Quite unnerving at times.
The 39 Steps - Amazing film. Really kept up the pace and the pressure. Some good dry wit here and there and a good script a round. The action was surprisingly good for 75 years ago and there were some clever shots in there too.

Batman Begins - Love it. It does a very good job of showing how Bruce Wayne could conceivably become Batman with some not overly outlandish tools at his disposal. It's also a very good film in it's own right, in spite of being a superhero film, which is very rare. It's grown up and "adult" without needing blood and torture and boobs.
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The Road

Grim, bleak but brilliant. Post apocalyptic but with no society at all, just survival. It is based (and very faithfully - apart from more of the mother) on the book which I would recomend, would also recomend the film. 4/5
Let me in - bit of a pointless remake, decent all the same 6/10

Social network - turned it off after about 40mins, all the characters got on me nerves, terrible 1/10
Films I've watched over the last few of nights;

Tuesday - Robin Hood (2010) - Second time that I've watched this on Blu Ray I really like this film cant understand why it got so much negativity? Cant wait for the sequel (if it ever arrives) 9/10

Monday - Batman Begins - was stuck for viewer one night so stuck this one, seen it loads of times before but still a great Superhero flick 9/10

Saturday - Green Zone - First time I'd seen this despite owning it on Blu Ray since it's release, pretty much just Bourne but in Iraq. Good Action Film 8/10
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