What film did you watch last night?

Inglourious ********

9/10 Absolutely loved it, Pitt was hysterical.

'You didn't say the rendezvous was in a goddamn ******* basement, you know fighting in a basement offers a lot of difficulties, number 1 being, YOU'RE FIGHTING IN A BASEMENT!'
Defiance – The film didn’t draw me in, I drifted in and out of it, could have just been my mood but I’m not sure.
The Hangover (2nd time)

First time I though it was very average however this time I must have been in a different mood as I laughed most of the way through..
I'm halfway through both The French Connection (watching on my own) and Godfather Part II (watching with the wife). So far I'm liking both. TFC is like the wire from 40 years ago, and I'm finding GFII easier to get into than the first one.
Cellular - Typical Jason Statham movie. I liked it, silly in places but they all are. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece and it delivered!
The Godfather Part III. Epic trilogy of movies and an absolute masterpiece in my opinion. I love all three and cannot wait until I get some Blu-Ray's for Xmas. Hopefully this trilogy will be one of the things I unwrap. :)
Star Trek - enjoyed it a lot, although Simon Pegg's accent was more Shrek than Scottie. Will have to see what they do next. 4/5
Constantine ~ tbh the only bits of that film worth watching are the bit where he first enters the bar with Passive playing in the background & the end when he's talking to Lucifer.
Lu said:
Hello, John. John, hello. You're the one soul I would come up here to collect myself. *applauds*
Das Boot

9/10 = Great movie indeed. Its strange rooting for 'the enemy' at the time its set. Really enjoyed it.

all time classic. one of my faves.

i watched, A Fistful of Dollars last night.

good film, bit cheaply done and a bit contrived..

'hey ho likes all ride to jims house'

'oh noe, they all went to adejose's house, lets all ride there'

ah well i still have a 'Few dollars More' and 'The good the bad and the uggers' to watch.
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