What film did you watch last night?

I've just watched Pandorum and really enjoyed it. Good stuff!

Watched that on Saturday afternoon, the first 30 minutes was massively absorbing and set the scene for the rest of the film brilliantly. Highly recommended viewing.

I watched Moon last night.

I loved the set for the moon base, very 2001: A Space Odyssey / Alien / Star Wars IV and I thought Kevin Spacey as the robot was a stroke of genius.

However, I saw through the plot pretty quickly and it ultimately became predictable. I did like some of the editing though. There's a scene where the guy is freaking out, running around the base and all of the cuts reminded me of the section of 'Eternal Sunshine' where Carrey and Winslet are rushing through Carrey's old memories.

I'd give it 7/10


Watched this tonight, and while good and entertaining I have to agree that the plot became transparent very quickly. Nevertheless it was still entertaining, even Mrs randal24 made it through and she normally falls asleep as soon as I mention the film is set in space. :)



The last one is on Dave right now. They've been showing some decent movies these last few months.
The Orphan

I actually quite enjoyed it. I'm not normally a 'horror' fan, but I was quite taken in by this one. Definitely worth a punt if you fancy it.
Wonderfull World
I want the 1:30hr's of my life back, the pace is slow you spend most of the film waiting for something to happen and eventually you realise nothing does and the film has ended.
It simply tries to hard to be an emotional film.
Watched Moon last night.

Didn't like it as much as I thought I would - certain things seemed to be taken too much for granted, the reveal wasn't "OMFG!!" more like a "oh, ok". And a character that seemed to chose when to help and when to be awkward.
Also watched Moon last night :D.

I agree with others that the plot soon became very obvious. I was hoping for a twist at the end but no such luck.

Despite that though, it was a good watch.
Great script and story, fantastic acting and an unforgettable finale. If it wasn't for the fact I think The Silence of the Lambs betters it in most departments I'd give it 10/10 but as it is I'll give it 9/10.
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