Played Cockroach Poker (aka Kakerlakenpoker) on Sunday. You pass a card face down to another player and make a claim of it is. He can call you truthful or false then reveal the card; if he's wrong he keeps it in front of him and if he's right then you do. Or he can look at the card and pass it to someone who hasn't seen it yet on the same basis, making his own claim if he wants. Whoever ends up with the card starts the next round. This goes on until one player has to start a round but has no cards, or has four of a kind in front of them. That player then loses, and everyone else wins.
After that I played The Great Zimbabwe, which I usually enjoy very much. It was very slow and burdensome this time, though, with all three secondary craftsmen being built on round 2. For those unfamiliar with the game: increasing the height of monuments is done with crafted goods, and your highest monument determines your income. Building the secondary craftsmen more than doubled the cost for raising a monument, drastically slowing down the rate at which currency entered the game. It was close, though; we had to call it before the final round, but four players could have won by building a level 5 monument and so whoever won the turn order bid would probably have taken it.