What game did you play last?

Playtested a game yesterday.
Still in the very early stages so it might not even happen, have given my input on some rule changes to help the game flow a little better and tidied up the rules.
Was pretty quick and is very simple so it might have some legs. At the end of the day it all comes to down to cost to produce the minimum order quantity and how much it can retail for.

That's true. I guess all the shipping/import fee uncertainties for the future don't help either.
Couple of games tonight.

The slightly Tetris-like Copenhagen. Nice little puzzle game. Quite quick to learn, not difficult to play. I suspect it could be quite irritating. There's certainly something mathematical going on in the background, I kept spotting little things, but haven't played it enough to exploit them.

Had some extra time at the end after 2 games of that, so pulled out Selfish - Space Edition. It's another simple game. You have to get to the spaceship to survive. That's it. Oh, but if you run out of oxygen you die. It can be quite irritating noving forward, only to his a gravitation anomoly that moves you back again, then one of the other players drags you back another spot later on. We played 2 games of that and all 4 of us died in each one. No survivors.... :D
Playtested a game yesterday.
Still in the very early stages so it might not even happen, have given my input on some rule changes to help the game flow a little better and tidied up the rules.
Was pretty quick and is very simple so it might have some legs. At the end of the day it all comes to down to cost to produce the minimum order quantity and how much it can retail for.

Does it have a name?
Not yet. At the moment it's just a tavern brawl.
That tavern might be called The Mended Drum but like I say, it might not happen.
Been playing Descent 2nd Edition over the weekend with the wife and loved it. Looking forward to getting stuck back into our campaign.
Played a few games of 7 Wonders on Monday, haven't played it in ages so it was good to get a few rounds in again.
Forgot how quickly everyone turns against you when you start to show signs of what victory condition your going for...
Played Cockroach Poker (aka Kakerlakenpoker) on Sunday. You pass a card face down to another player and make a claim of it is. He can call you truthful or false then reveal the card; if he's wrong he keeps it in front of him and if he's right then you do. Or he can look at the card and pass it to someone who hasn't seen it yet on the same basis, making his own claim if he wants. Whoever ends up with the card starts the next round. This goes on until one player has to start a round but has no cards, or has four of a kind in front of them. That player then loses, and everyone else wins.

After that I played The Great Zimbabwe, which I usually enjoy very much. It was very slow and burdensome this time, though, with all three secondary craftsmen being built on round 2. For those unfamiliar with the game: increasing the height of monuments is done with crafted goods, and your highest monument determines your income. Building the secondary craftsmen more than doubled the cost for raising a monument, drastically slowing down the rate at which currency entered the game. It was close, though; we had to call it before the final round, but four players could have won by building a level 5 monument and so whoever won the turn order bid would probably have taken it.
Picked up Risk Europe for my birthday as another addition to the family games we've got going. Went down a storm with my son, he loved it, and even my wife seemed pretty engaged throughout. Didn't finish the game as we ran out of time but going to try and get a game in over the weekend.
Picked up Risk Europe for my birthday as another addition to the family games we've got going. Went down a storm with my son, he loved it, and even my wife seemed pretty engaged throughout. Didn't finish the game as we ran out of time but going to try and get a game in over the weekend.

Try and find a copy of Risk Legacy. My FLGS has one, I think. It's deliberately designed to run shorter - maybe 60-90 minutes per game - and you play a 15-game campaign where the rules change each time depending on who wins. Don't open the packet that says "DO NOT OPEN THIS PACKET".
A local board game cafe is having a Zombicide event this weekend. Always wanted to play this game but looks like I may end up stuck at a 1st birthday party that day. Just my luck.

There's quite a few on my 'to play' list so hoping to start going to this cafe on a regular basis. Not only to meet new people but also to play games I just wouldn't get a chance to normally play due to the number of players required.
Played The Captain is Dead twice last night.

It's brilliant. It's set in the last 10 minutes of a scifi show. The captain is dead, your ship is under attack and systems are failing all over the place. Difficulty ramps up very quickly and can get a bit stressful once you're locked into the engineering bay and the teleporter is offline.

First time was a narrow loss, we got screwed by the anomalys and alien ships adding extra damage. 2nd time was a win. I was the Chief Engineer and just had people feeding me the engineering cards and I was fixing the Warp core as quickly as I could.
Instead of making a new thread, see if there's any interest here first.

Anyone collect/play Pokemon TCG interested in it's own thread to discuss and show off pulls?

I've only just started collecting again for about 3 months now, last time I had cards were back in the original base set days (Unfortunately younger me never knew cards would be so popular, thus base set is long gone somewhere)
I've been visiting places.



Couple of new games to us played tonight.
Century Spice Road and Mystic Vale (with various bits of some of the expansions).

Century Spice Road is very much like a more advanced version of Splendor. Good game.

Mystic Vale is an very pretty deck building game. The cards being sleeved means you can put other carsthat are mainly transparent inside to enhance you existing cards. I think I need another play or two of it to fully get to grips, but it was pretty interesting.
Just got done with a game of Flamme Rouge that went horribly wrong! Some silly idiot designed a track with too many non slipstreaming tiles which caused everyone to run out of cards! Oops! :D
Had The Captain is Dead Lockdown arrive today. Played the original, loved it. This should be an interesting version of it.

Played Cryptid for the first time today. Kinda like a monster hunter version of Cluedo. You have a single clue, and by asking questions about a single hex to a single player, or you can search a hex that you know could be the area the cryptid is in and see what everyone else thinks about that square, if everyone says yup, the cryptid could be there - then you've found it and you win.

Need to play it a couple more times, but it's not bad at all.
Cryptid is good, but we had a couple of games where the Cryptid was accidentally found on turn 1 - 1% chance in a 5-player game - and it put us off a little.

Yesterday I played Viticulture and three rounds of One Night Ultimate Werewolf. The players who hadn't played ONUW before really enjoyed it, which is nice.
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