What game did you play last?

Picked up Splendor on saturday.

Its a nice simple game. But theres some strategy in there.

The poker chip pieces feel really nice, but it does need a few more cards and nobles. The biggest issue is the size of the box. Its sodding enormous for what's in it. It would easily fit in a box 1/4 of the size.

Another one to make a 'travel' version of.
As escape room fans, we've tried out a few escape room 'board games'.

Exit: The Abandoned Cabin / The Forbidden Castle

These are card-based games, including code-breaker pinwheels, along with a few other hands-on aspects (like folding papers to reveal clues/solutions).

Both good fun if you like solving puzzles with people. The Forbidden Castle was a little more challenging of the 2.

Unlock!: Escape Adventures

These are purely card-driven, but also requiring you to do things like draw and look beyond just the cards in front of you.

Interface also uses an app, which has a counter, and ways for you to input your codes, use machines, or (for a 2 minute penalty hit) request a hint.

We managed The Formula and Sausage & Squeak in decent times with no hints, but the Island one was way more difficult and had us scratching our heads many times.

Generally speaking, getting 1-1.5 hours of entertainment for 2 people for roughly £10 per 'game' is pretty good, cheaper than the cinema or a traditional escape room.
Not played, but parents visited at the weekend and brought my copies of Heroquest, Advanced Heroquest, Space Hulk (With Deathwing and Genestealer expansions), Atmosfear (and expansions), Atmosfear - Harbingers...

Yay. :D
I picked up a copy of Wingspan recently after reading about it online. It's a pretty decent engine builder thats simple enough to learn to play and has a great dice roller too. Only had one game, but we really enjoyed it and want to play again soon.
I completed AC:Origins a while ago, but now I got some time to complete the Curse of the Pharaoh, I am about 80% through. Love it ! :)

Wrong thread, mate - this is for traditional gaming, not PC. (There is an AssCreed boardgame, though.)

Played Honga on Sunday. It's an action selection game where you play cards with hands on at the intersection of four action spaces. Where the hands point is what you do; gather resources, climb a points ladder, gain bonuses etc. But if you don't have a hand pointing towards the centre space, a sabre-toothed tiger called Honga jumps onto your player board and starts eating all your resources. Quick, fun game and suitable for brighter kids.
Villagers. Nice little card game that we picked up at the UK Games Expo.

Have Rise and Fall of Anvalor and Outer Rim still to play...
Villagers. Nice little card game that we picked up at the UK Games Expo.

I kickstarted that one. It's not bad, but it won't see too much play. I'll probably keep it for the "lighter but still a real game" slot.

I also played Villagers on Wednesday, along with Tiny Towns and Honga again.
Played Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra on monday.

It's similar to Azul.... unsurprisingly, but a bit more complicated. You have a glazier that starts on the left and can only move right, unless you take your entire turn without picking up tiles by moving him back to the left. Like Azul you have immediate points and end of game points. It's pretty interesting.

It's very much a mixture of Azul and Sagrada.

Only played one game, so I'm assuming it'll get more into my head after a couple more games.
Still rocking the Gloomhaven campaign. Sadly we only get to play it once a week.

Also my Kickstarter for TinyEpic Mechs arrived.
Played about a million games this weekend. Honga twice, Roket Raket twice, plus Tiny Towns, Arboretum, Villagers, a couple of party games and Astro Drive.

I was aiming to log 250 plays in 2019, and was slightly ahead of schedule with 130 at the end of June. I'm now at 146, will almost certainly record 30+ plays in July, and if I make it to Spiel I'll likely hit 300 for the year. :eek:
Just waiting for the delivery of Queendomino and Flash Point Fire Rescue...
Grand Prix should arrive later this week.

Then I need to put my wallet out of reach.

Oh yeah... Also picked up Zip It cheap from The Works for the other half to play with her mum on holidays, and grabbed The Game About Wikipedia for £2.50 while I was there. Even if it's not great, for £2.50....
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Queendomino is here. Looks like a really good update/evolution of Kingdomino.

And today, Ticket to Ride Europe arrived. It appears that the other half has been shopping too...
Played a 3P game of Crusader Kings on Wednesday. It has a lot of the feel of the PC game despite working entirely differently. Example: I had a Humble Honest daughter with a Clever husband lined up as my heir when someone dropped A Child Is Born on me just before my ruler died and I got a Dimwitted son instead. Everyone enjoyed it, but we all felt it would be better with four or five.
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