Does Galxy Trucker keep it's shine if all the people are of similar proficiency at building their ships ?
Couldn't say really from my very brief go, but I imagine the less you know means it would be more fun initially as the chaos ensues afterwards.
If everyone was reasonably proficient I'd imagine it gets more tactical perhaps.
yeah, the chaos can be a lot of fun as you're figuring out what works and what is a disaster.
I have a Galaxy Trucker app, but I've never really played it... I want to save learning the game with others for that fun-chaos factor.
That kind of thing can be funny if it's not a long game and you can go again in 10-15 mins.It was all over for me on the second draw where we encountered slavers and I didn't have three crew so that was me done lol.
I didn't know this existed, but I love it!Small painting project finished up today for the Worms boardgame:
That's a game I'd quite like to get to my table at some point - how long does it end up lasting?Lost Ruins of Arnak has been sat on my shelf for a while do finally got a couple of games in.
Really enjoyed it so it will come out more regularly I feel.