What game did you play last?

Picked up Heat - Pedal to the Metal in the Amazon black friday sale.

Only just opened it. Liking the look already. Once my 3d printer is back in action I'll be doing some mods for it.
Bagged a cheap (and complete / great condition) copy of Predator Legendary Encounters I desperately want to get to the table. But currently playing Marvel Champions. It's weird, I love the mechanics and gameplay, but Marvel / Superheros really isn't my theme at all. Love / Hate...
Played a very quick round of Galaxy Trucker which seemed fun, though as it was pointed out from the person who won, when you become proficient at it so you know how to build good ships and stuff, it kind of loses its shine, but I suppose you could say that for any game.
Does Galxy Trucker keep it's shine if all the people are of similar proficiency at building their ships ?

Couldn't say really from my very brief go, but I imagine the less you know means it would be more fun initially as the chaos ensues afterwards.
If everyone was reasonably proficient I'd imagine it gets more tactical perhaps.
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Couldn't say really from my very brief go, but I imagine the less you know means it would be more fun initially as the chaos ensues afterwards.
If everyone was reasonably proficient I'd imagine it gets more tactical perhaps.

yeah, the chaos can be a lot of fun as you're figuring out what works and what is a disaster.
I have a Galaxy Trucker app, but I've never really played it... I want to save learning the game with others for that fun-chaos factor.
yeah, the chaos can be a lot of fun as you're figuring out what works and what is a disaster.
I have a Galaxy Trucker app, but I've never really played it... I want to save learning the game with others for that fun-chaos factor.

It was all over for me on the second draw where we encountered slavers and I didn't have three crew so that was me done lol.
Small painting project finished up today for the Worms boardgame:




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Had my eye on Memoir 44 for a few years and finally, Santa came good, well the mother-in-law did. Played the first scenario a few days ago and loved it. Can't wait to get more games under my belt.
Civolution has recently entered my life and I love it. A big old point salad game with SO many choices. The hardest part is a table big enough to even get two people playing, let alone for. I'm not the sort of person who bothers to find a perfect strategy for each game, rather play each game as it comes, but it seems like there is no dominant strategy for winning, which I enjoy.

If you like a choice dense, worker placement game, certainly give it a go.
I brought out Western Legends last night at a board game meet after not playing it for about 4 months.
1 new player picked it up quickly which was good. Really enjoy this game and its various ways to score points.
I played the Whiskey bottle on the first player as my final action to inflict a wound and won the game by a single point over him.
Should have set the game to be longer as we finished it in 75 mins (4 player).
Just finished playing Alien: Fate of the Nostromo, as a solo adventure. I wasn't using the hard mode that included Ash from the start, so it may have played a factor in me being able to win the game twice in a row. Definitely seems pretty easy using just one character, so I'll have to start incorporating a crew of at least 3 and see how much more difficult it becomes.

I do seem to be enjoying this though and it has a great theme.
Lost Ruins of Arnak has been sat on my shelf for a while do finally got a couple of games in.
Really enjoyed it so it will come out more regularly I feel.
Played Wingspan for the first time today. Quite a nice game.

Was quite unhappy that Tit wasn't considered a body part for scoring though. ;) :D

Local FBGCon this Saturday. No idea what games I'm taking or will be playing. Couple of hundred people with all sorts of levels of games going on. Some will set a game up at 10am and still be playing it 6 hours later, others play quick things like Draftosaurus. Lovely thing. Plus the bring and buy... ;)
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