What games do you consider "too long"?

FFX is brilliant. One of the hardest too in some places - especially getting the player's best weapons. I am sure there are a few dents on my bedroom wall from trying to get Tidus' ultimate weapon :p

You really should play FF7 and 8. FF7 probably has the best story of them all, it is also very dark in places. FF8 is my favourite as it was my first Final Fantasy.

FF9 is not bad... felt a bit rushed in places though. FFX-2 was dire.

have you played FFX II ? or Valkyrie Profile 2? wondered if they were worth getting.
My favourite is FF7, just excellent story and music throughout.
All the Resident Evil games are pretty long and sometimes hate the fact that your given a limited amount of ribbons to save your progress with, however the pickup and playability of it is extremely well layed out.
For me itws Everquest 2. The game is brillaint but they promised a story between the good side of Qeynos and the bad side of Freeport. This was utter rubbish. Years later no story has happened. Quite dissapointing they didnt star something of interest. So 2 years later I reckon that qualifies as draging on too long!


ps altho i will buy the forth coming expansion and still go thru thru the same old , do quests/have fun with old friends/ then wonder ...erm wqaht is this all about
i wish max payne 2 never ended

having such a wide variety of 'maps' in a game like that is awesome, glad they didn't put too many dream/nightmare levels in MP2, really hated them in the first game, was just boring and creepy having a baby screaming at you!
Probably only Far Cry really, it was very samey all the way through, good nevertheless.

Agreed - it started out great and then bcame tedious...........then became so impossably hard that me and my two flatmates took it in shifts to play the last hour or so of the game (which took perhaps 5 hours?).

After we completed it we took the dvd out and threw it in the bin, more of an oreal than an enjoyable experience!

The only good FPS that i felt dragged on was the original Unreal, the lack of flowing plot just made me feel like the whole thing was slightly unnecessary. Ok, you're trapped on an alien island, great, get on with it please.

I used to think HL1 was insanely long until i replayed it last week - it's only marginally longer than HL2.

Deus Ex 1 is probably a bit long, not because it seemed to drag on, but because i've never been able to complete it before i've had to format or something along those lines that has resulted in me losing my savegame and starting from scratch (5 times now and still never completed it)
Bioshock, good game but could have been a little shorter

Oblivion is too long and samey. At first the planes of oblivion are quite tough, but as you create more epic lewt with soul stones or the stones from the Oblivion Planes, they just become boring to complete.
Although saying that it is a great game.
The only good FPS that i felt dragged on was the original Unreal, the lack of flowing plot just made me feel like the whole thing was slightly unnecessary. Ok, you're trapped on an alien island, great, get on with it please.

I think the problem Unreal was that it came at a time when FPS games had very little in the way of 'guidance' - no radar, no map, not many NPCs to interact with etc so often times one was left to wander around rather than having a focussed goal. It tried it's best through the use of diaries and a fantastic opening 'introduction' level (6 months before Halflife famously did the same thing) but if you compare it to the way modern games like Far Cry or Call of Duty are structured, it could be quite confusing. At times it felt a bit like the levels were thrown together in random order (like 90% of games from that era and before) rather than following on naturally.
I wouldn't call Resident Evil games long, sub 10 hours if you're taking your time.

I'd say about 3-6 hours or so each? Resi 4 is the exception, takes a little longer.

Its long to me at least, i have never completed one mainly due to the fact it was a really freaky game at the time, and it was the time i thought the Graveyard level in Goldeneye 64 was scary.

still 1 game i never completed, Zelda : Majora Mask, i was pretty young at the time and previously completing the ocarina of time i engaged on to this, it took so long just to get to the last temple and still havnt done it due to running out of time.

to me thought Horror games take the longest as im really freaked out playing them so it takes me a while to open doors.
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