What have you done to your car today?

Sold it :( only lost £260 on it since buying 11 months ago, had put an extra 12k miles on it as well :p

Still, means it's time to get searching for the next one :D
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Just lazy/stupid/fantasising about being part of an F1/BTCC pit crew

If the "mechanic" had to lift each corner you can bet theyd ruin the floor in four places rather than just two.
A miracle happened yesterday. I've driven a Renault for 20000 miles without a single fault!

Up the French!


(Photo was taken by a passenger :))
Its the first time I have used these mobile guys and they have enough presence locally that you would hope they know what they are doing. The guy was telling me he has done lambos etc.. well I am certain its his first time doing an MX-5.
I was going to use them for my GTI, but I think id better take it into the shop instead if they are being sloppy about it. I'll check the car for damage too later today.
Turns out when my caliper came loose, it must have ripped off the wheel weights while it rubbed against the inside of the wheel. Dropped it off in a garage local to work today to get that rebalanced and took the opportunity get the air-con serviced. Nice and cold again now :)

Quick question for anyone in the know about air-con - I'm assuming that when it needs doing, it can cause a drop in MPG, as the compressor has to work more often to pressurise the system. Is this true? Because I've always been puzzled why just under two years ago, my average dropped MPG quite suddenly, from 34 to about 30. No change in driving style and at the time I assumed it was the new tyres. But I since changed tyres again and noticed no improvement.

However thinking it over in the past couple of months, it happened just after I came back from driving the car to the south of France - which was scorchingly hot, so I had the air con on full blast most of the time and it has definitely been a bit lethargic since then. I'll keep an eye on the MPG over the next couple of full tanks, but is it well off the mark to expect some improvement now the system is regassed?
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