Got towed to the garage today. Car wouldn't start. When the RAC finally got it to start it blasted out loads of smoke.
Going to be expensive...
Probably lunched turbo.
Got towed to the garage today. Car wouldn't start. When the RAC finally got it to start it blasted out loads of smoke.
Going to be expensive...
Yep, most likely cause.Probably lunched turbo.
Unlikely if he's driven on it (no matter how far)
If you've driven on a flat tyre you can't repair it, well 99% of places won't do so as it weakens the sidewall
What? So how can you repair a puncture then? You seem to suggest the only scenario you can repair a tyre is if you puncture a stationary tyre, and don't drive the car.
What? So how can you repair a puncture then? You seem to suggest the only scenario you can repair a tyre is if you puncture a stationary tyre, and don't drive the car.
Punctured tyres don't have to go flat immediately. If you come out in the morning and find a tyre that has gone flat overnight due to a slow puncture, then you can repair it.
That said, a couple of times, I've had tyres repaired after driving on them. But it's definitely not recommended.
I'm sure you can still get tickets from after 2 weeks, they still count. Or has that been changed?
Had rude gestures thrown in my direction after a car behind me then went a different way at a junction. He had been occasionally on my tail and quite close, but I was more than doing the speed limit and often well ahead of him except when I was also held up by a car in front (I did wonder if it was because I was just a fraction too fast for him to overtake, no idea, it was on cruise control so I wasn't accelerating wildly). I can only think it was car jealousy (AMG vs a very old Honda)? I can't see what else I did wrong. Some crazies out there.