What have you done to your car today?

Your bumper though. You should leave it like it and put a little "Inspired by turbotoaster" sticker there. :p
Didnt want to create a new thread for this as seemed pointless, but can anyone recommend a place to buy 4mm ID hose for my turbo lines? Hoses I have at the minute are just a little perished.
Didnt want to create a new thread for this as seemed pointless, but can anyone recommend a place to buy 4mm ID hose for my turbo lines? Hoses I have at the minute are just a little perished.

Viper Performance have always been quick and good quality for silicone hose for me
BIL had someone scrape his car and drive off, he was going to take it to the bodyshop but I said I'd see what I could do with a bit of sandpaper and polish. Came out rather well I think: all by hand too.







What are you talking about? How is a commonly used abbreviation anything to do with Mumsnet?

BIL might be, but some are ridiculous. SO - significant other, DO - dearest other, OH - other half. I mean how many other ways are there to call your spouse/partner.
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