Dropped the Volvo off at yet another local garage that reviews 'very well' on Monday morning to have some leaking O rings that go to the heater matrix replaced.
I showed them this picture I had taken under the footwell, asked them to replace both O rings and clamps with gen Volvo ones as aftermarket ones leak, they said no problem and took the car.
Come 4pm I called asking if the car was done, he replied saying they've tried everywhere and can't get hold of the O rings and clamps, so I offered to have a look myself to help them out. Called my local Volvo, 5 minutes on the phone and £20 later the parts were on their way to them....Not that hard is it
Picked car up this morning and asked how it went, as it's meant to be a bit fiddly, he said it was fine, leaked a bit first time so they had to redo it and that it was fine now, fair enough, I paid and took the car home.
Within 10 minutes of driving it home I got a coolant smell through the air vents again, pulled over and took this, it was wet with coolant too.
Looks like their fix is just to bodge it terribly with silicone, they've only done one side too, which I'm thankful for actually, if that's what they're gonna do.
What do I do now? Give it back to them to no doubt mess it up more or cut losses and try find another 'decent' garage?
Does anyone around the Southampton area know any good garages? I've tried 6 now since I moved here, including a Volvo 'specialist' who thought a broken shock absorber was the cause of a 'clunk' when it was an ARB bush