What have you done to your car today?

How much difference is there? I hate the m140i and it's crap infotainment restrictions - to my mind absolute waste of cash having the pro system - don't even get me started on the Harmon crapdom speakers!

It's very similar actually, especially when deep in the menus. The major thing that has changed is the 'home', the tiles are more live now. Media shows what is playing, nav shows a live map, my bmw shows mpg and other stuff... with iDrive 5 they were all static images.

I quite like all the infotainment stuff in the car, and actually quite like the speakers... but I have just came from an NC MX-5 which probably had the worst speakers I have ever had in a car. My previous cars were small boxes like Fiesta, Clios, etc. so its quite a change to me.
I'd much rather have 700 buttons than a touchscreen-only control system though.

maybe he's got a deposit on a mach e to restore equilibrium in the universe,
reported to have a good sound system (BasicallyOverpriced*** , following hotdogs lead), so you can compensate.
It looks like a lot of buttons but most of everything is done on the steering wheel.
AC has those 2 silver bits that go up and down for temp, only thing i touch!
Carried out my first "proper" DIY to the E39. For some time, I've been having intermittent issues with the wipers not working at all.
After a bit of googling and £75 later, I managed to replace the wiper relay with the limited set of tools I had.
Yeah, it was £15 7 years ago :(
I looked through different places for a while and the cheapest I could find was the lithuaian bmw dealer. I didn't fancy 2nd hand and couldn't find 3rd party equivalent
Yeah, it was £15 7 years ago :(
I looked through different places for a while and the cheapest I could find was the lithuaian bmw dealer. I didn't fancy 2nd hand and couldn't find 3rd party equivalent
BMW main dealers should carry parts like this surely?
Got the Gaffa tape out this morning - Pulled over on a layby for an ambulance to go by (all blue flashing lights) and a artic was tailgating it -he almost made it past me but my repeater on wing mirror stuck out 1/2" and he took the glass off -Bit of clear plastic and gaffa tape works wonders.
New one on order.

Ps -To save the comments - A truck was parked in layby and couldn't quite get in.
I will never pull over for blue flashing lights again.
I add some Stuff Iw done/Broke ;)

Changed Clutch assist spring after found something softer than stock that fits

Installed a spoiler I'w been eyeing since i got Z was bit smashed last friday and club chap put brand new just painted on for sale was like I have that. Happy I did
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