What have you done to your car today?

Just ordered 2 tyres for these. Have to order 4 more but they can wait. Engine build should be done this week so I'm expecting invoice for that. :rolleyes:

I'm confused why you need 6 tyres for 2 wheels (Or even 4 wheels)

These are 15s for the rear. Mickey Thompson street radials 295/60r/15 will be going on the above. I have 4 more of the same wheel in 18s that also need tires. I wouldnt be running the 15s at the rear all the time. Hope that clears it up
I was out in all that rain we had Tuesday gone and called into Aldi on way home -started up and noticed rear window dash cam wasn't on - Got round to that on Wednesday and couldn't remember where I had taken switched pos from so plugged trailer in and no lights- Dropped fuse box and found blown fuse - replaced and OK - But - why did it blow -the only thing I can think of is the trailer light socket sitting under rear bumper in all that rain- It folds away as tow ball is removable - Got under the back end and tidied up screws holding it on and sprayed with penetrating oil- and going to order a new socket and length of cable and renew it.
Hate crawling under cars - It not getting down but getting up is the problem.
I’m guessing it was all make-up. Foul stuff in all honesty, and ruins a lot of commonly touched stuff like keyboards, mice, steering wheels etc.

Grim. I’m really glad my wife doesn’t trowel the stuff on.
On the FN2, I originally thought someone did the throttle body coolant bypass. That isn't a problem but the wiring and hoses are in a mess, rubbing against each other etc. So bought new hoses and clips so that I can get the job done in one go. This lot cost me just over £30 from Honda:


Upon taking the intake hose off, turned out they didn't do a throttle body coolant bypass at all, they just somehow bodged some hoses in there together to bypass the coolant part of the breather pipe, can't really think why? You can see how everything just rub against each other:

Back to how it should be:

When I put everything back together, they have for some reason cut one of the purge hoses short. It just about reach but rub against the breather pipe:

That will be another £15 from Honda to get sorted. Really not sure how it all ended like this. From the history of the car, it has only ever been to Honda main dealers and some Honda specialist that is one of the most reputable amongst the Honda community. Unless someone DIY bodged it but I really can't think why?

In the process, also found the PCV is shot so have to get that changed as well at a later date.
There’s something I really like about those little Honda parts bags. Have you tried Amayama for Honda stuff from Singapore?
Seeing how much they charge for their parts, they better come in those nice bags. I haven't been to the parts logistic warehouse before but one of my ex-colleague had a chance to visit one. Other than nice bags, they had a ridiculous amount of stock in there including a whole Goldwing bike. I suppose they need to get money from somewhere to sustain a warehouse like that.

I have tried Amayama in the past when I had my ATR, I think it's worth it if I'm after a more expensive part or have a whole load that I need to order. Shipping just take too long otherwise.
Eh? Parts I've bought for VWs, Skodas, Toyotas, BMWs, Mazdas, Volvos, have all come in little baggies with stickers on. Whats special about them? That they are opaque? Seems like an inconvenience rather than a feature. :p
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