What have you done to your car today?

Need to replace the latch on one of mine :( - it started falling open while driving until I stuck a bit of padded tape in there so it can't just open itself. Not a fan of them personally.
I've been so used to having them on all my previous cars, it was odd to have a car without. Ended up keeping them in the cup holders in it's case. These are much easier to access while driving if caught out by the sun now.
Gave the mustang a quick jetwash, mainly to clean the wheels which were a bit dirty from tyre clean.

Cleaned all the kids stuff out of both cars and gave them a quick hoover.
Changed a brake leading trailing hardline, a flexi, and a wheel cylinder, on the peanut.


The adjuster is part of the cylinder, one I managed to free up, the other was totally seized and part of it sheared when I tried to free it up, but luckily I had a couple of spares laying around so I stuck one on.


Back together, new hose and whatnot.


My brake pipe bending skills are second to none, if I do say so myself. I just do it with my thumbs. More crotch shots on my onlyfans.



One step closer to the road. :cool:
Since old age overtook me I have been a bit lax on maintenace and first sign was heater not blowing much air then finding heat fan speed was only working on 3-4 -nothing for 1-2.
As this is a pig of a job (focus mk2 2010) I got someone to do it for me -first thing was polen filter and my word what a differnce that made. The blocked up old filter was responsible for the resister on fan giving up the ghost on 1=2 settings so ordered one and asked same bloke to fit that as well - Bingo -Stinking hot air and all 4 speeds.
I was also having electric problems with car shutting down so I had to get out -shut and lock doors with Fob then open them again and things were OK. It seem there was a yellow notification on dash but I saw it but it didn't register till yesterday and went into message on menu and there in big letters was (Fob battery low-turn off engine) I have to say untill then it didn't register,
So I will make myself change oil and filter soon. _Last time I looked 5 ltrs of Ford oil was £40 - It used to be £18.
Filled up with Diesel today at £1.399p and further down the road it was £1.34.
I was out giving it a thrash so it will re-gen.

PS. I am amazed someone has a Austin A35 -I thought they were all rusted and turned into Lada's - We had a Austin 7 pick up truck.
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Not this one! Gave £1600 as a running and driving light restoration project.

I then promptly tore onto it to do 900 things, making it not running or driving or stopping. :p

But it's almost there now... Some rear brake work, some wiring, some tuning, pair of new engine mounts, and she should be there.

Planning on driving to Brighton in May. From near Norwich. Will be the furthest it has driven in several decades.
Washed it! Will probably find it covered in bird **** in the morning.

The wheels were so easy to clean due to the ceramic coating.
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