Yes it's the Disco and yes, since dunking it in that river last week I've had that fault pop up and the gear selection go a bit squiffy!!
It has since gone back out and the gears are working again now it's had a little time to dry out.
Will be investigating various bit of loom and airblowing/water displacing various components that got dunked.
Bear in mind I stoped and reversed back out when the water got to bonnet level, so "quite a lot" got wet!
My carpets now hum with damp a bit.
What's the three amigo's ?
EDIT* (googled) Nope, not had the three amigos, just the HDC.
Also installed my gizzmo eletronic boost controller the other day, that was "fun"
Tyres, suspension, brakes, tracking, heater matrix - what do you class as major stuff? :\
Is your suspension being completely knackered considered minor these days?
Major stuff on this and most other cars is clutch, DMF, gearbox, cylinder head removal / work etc.
The stuff listed is cheap, DIY-able (apart from tracking but that's £20) and parts are readily available.
God help you when your car chucks a big bill if you think tracking is a major fault
Well the tracking has ruined your tyres hasn't it? That's pretty major IMO.
Suspension et al are still major components of a car. God help you if you ever buy a car that costs more than £20 to fix