What have you done to your car today?

You get your tank drilled? Where the hell do you live?!

I live in a nice area but unfortunately ****** and petrol thieves target the area because it's dark and secluded and areas not very well lit. Most cars have been done in the area. I can't park it on flat as Focus is too easy to get at. When I park it on kerb there is at least 2' of path and 10' of grass. You have to cross the road before my car anyway to leave the close. It could be someone messing around trying make me not park on the kerb to steal my fuel. I'll have a look tomorrow because someone's done it again. They always do it in the dark, never in the day.

If somebody went to the effort of leaving a note I'd honour the request if possible. As they're not I'm thinking intimidation tactics by fuel thieves possibly.

Recently in my town a paramedic went to help someone injured on as night out and they had a £13k defibrillator destroyed and wee'd on and they were spat at by the local youths so I'm cynical for a reason.
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Changed the front speakers on the LXX TURBO this lunch time.*

Old on the left, new on the right.


Much better now. All I need*to do now is figure*out how I get power into*the cabin for the subwoofer and I'm a happy bunny.
Changed the front speakers on the LXX TURBO this lunch time.*

Old on the left, new on the right.


Much better now. All I need*to do now is figure*out how I get power into*the cabin for the subwoofer and I'm a happy bunny.

Those speakers must be worth more than the LXX Turbo! :p

Also, why do your posts have loads of yellow stars? Seems to be just you now... :D
It has its nice places, but out of Chesterfield, Sheffield, Derby, Manfield, Nottingham and Leicester, most ****holes i visit tend to be in Leicester.

So bit of a valid point :p

Admittedly it has gone downhill a lot since the country went all liberal and discipline stopped and the chav population rose lol.
It sounds like you are looking at your town through rose tinted spectacles, while people are setting cars on fire around you. :p
Those speakers must be worth more than the LXX Turbo! :p

Also, why do your posts have loads of yellow stars? Seems to be just you now... :D

I think the speakers and the head unit are worth the same as the car*, so ive doubled its value (that's how it works isn't it...)

I have no idea where the stars come from.*Doesn't matter if I'm on my phone, home or work pc they are there following me.
I live in a nice area but unfortunately ****** and petrol thieves target the area because it's dark and secluded and areas not very well lit. Most cars have been done in the area. I can't park it on flat as Focus is too easy to get at. When I park it on kerb there is at least 2' of path and 10' of grass. You have to cross the road before my car anyway to leave the close. It could be someone messing around trying make me not park on the kerb to steal my fuel. I'll have a look tomorrow because someone's done it again. They always do it in the dark, never in the day.

If somebody went to the effort of leaving a note I'd honour the request if possible. As they're not I'm thinking intimidation tactics by fuel thieves possibly.

Recently in my town a paramedic went to help someone injured on as night out and they had a £13k defibrillator destroyed and wee'd on and they were spat at by the local youths so I'm cynical for a reason.

You live in hinckley?
It's a great place to live

I live on roston drive
Rose tinted because of the flames? :p I don't have drug dealers on my estate so I'm happy - they live on the next estate lol.

Drug dealers aren't that much of a problem unless you owe them money or are a known drug user. (so I'm told)

They tend to keep themselves to themselves round here.
Had two family cars drilled in the Hinckley area, one of them a VW UP which has the biggest fuel tank in the world for the grand sum of £10 of fuel.
I will be carrying out a full service on the Rexton, seeing as it's been driven 28 miles in the last 12 months! And some of that was to get a new MOT!

Picked it up from the FIL last night, it understandably a bit grumpy/lumpy!

Brakes needed a bit of work to free up too! But by the time I got it home it was reasonably smooth. Replacing all the filters, battery, some bulbs and a new set of matts - then give it a wash and see what I'm dealing with!
No pics unfortunately, was actually planning to replace it with a new one but figured i'll try and clean it up as it's out.

It's all working now. Added a small bit of silicone sealant on the shaft of the nozzle to help prevent any water getting back into the body.
Weird issue today, was driving up the motorway when I felt a vibration from the steering wheel and a medium toned hum from the front underside of the car. park up and go out to inspect the wheels to discover excessive heat coming from the driver's side front brake. As you do, I touched the disc and singed my finger slightly.

Weird, I've not driven the car for a couple of days but did wash the wheels yesterday so thought maybe something got caught between the pad and disc. There appeared to be abnormal contact lines on the disc indicating something was stuck, or the caliper was binding (most likely).

Anyway, called the RAC, and the bloke arrived within 30mins, had the caliper opened up, cleaned off contact areas and copper greased all necessary bits. He said one edge did seem to be a bit sticky so maybe this was it. Could also have been a build up of surface rust on the brake disc combined with other debris?

Took it for a test drive and all appears fine now but will have to do a short motorway drive to know for sure and maybe a couple of hard stops for good measure.
Weird issue today, was driving up the motorway when I felt a vibration from the steering wheel and a medium toned hum from the front underside of the car. park up and go out to inspect the wheels to discover excessive heat coming from the driver's side front brake. As you do, I touched the disc and singed my finger slightly.

Weird, I've not driven the car for a couple of days but did wash the wheels yesterday so thought maybe something got caught between the pad and disc. There appeared to be abnormal contact lines on the disc indicating something was stuck, or the caliper was binding (most likely).

Anyway, called the RAC, and the bloke arrived within 30mins, had the caliper opened up, cleaned off contact areas and copper greased all necessary bits. He said one edge did seem to be a bit sticky so maybe this was it. Could also have been a build up of surface rust on the brake disc combined with other debris?

Took it for a test drive and all appears fine now but will have to do a short motorway drive to know for sure and maybe a couple of hard stops for good measure.

Unfortunately, my experience of sticking calipers is that even when you free them, they will seize again quite quickly. The sliding pins are fairly easy to check and replace if it's them, but you'll know if you have a seized sliding pin because you won't be able to move the sodding thing and will require heat, impact guns, hammers and lots of swearing. It doesn't sound like the RAC guy did this, so it's probably the rubber seal around the piston which has failed which has caused the piston to seize.

The only way to permanently fix it is to get a reconditioned caliper (or pair of). For reference, copper grease is not good to use on calipers as it can loosen rubber seals over time. Red rubber grease is much preferred. BMW say you're not even meant to grease the sliding pins and they should be left dry, but I think most people stick a bit of lubricant on them.

Also, don't let it destroy your discs. Driving along with a seized caliper will put a lot of heat through the discs and give you judder, meaning a bill for a £100 caliper, will then turn into a £500 bill for a new caliper, new pair of discs and new pads.
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