What have you done to your car today?

Inspected it with a thermal camera during a cold start, kinda cool seeing the heat distribution and which areas remain cool, the cold air intake section is completely of any heat soak given I'm using the Eventuri. Good way to check for coolant and oil leaks too as it will shine like a UFO at night.

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Tempted by one of those to try and find the culprit to a parasitic draw, but i suspect any affordable off the shelf won't quite be upto it vs just getting a decent ampmeter and start pulling fuses. Less fun though
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Inspected it with a thermal camera during a cold start, kinda cool seeing the heat distribution and which areas remain cool, the cold air intake section is completely of any heat soak given I'm using the Eventuri. Good way to check for coolant and oil leaks too as it will shine like a UFO at night.

Can it find UAPs also?
After wrestling the bonnet in the A.M.

I decided to fit the new usb stick



Apologies if massive, spoiler tags oddly greyed out.
But yeah. it's upside down.... when I put it in the laptop to put the music on, it was as well, not adjustable.
Guess I will just buy a generic small one, one like this seemed a bit different. never mind
Friday was spent fitting the amp and doing the doors of my GT4. I didn't get as many pics as I planned as the amp install chewed up way more time than I expected so I was under a bit of time pressure to get the doors completed on the same day - a good friend let me use his workshop on a quiet day and I didn't want to put him out rolling into two days.

Getting the Conductor to where it needed to go in the centre coin holder bin thingy took more time than expected. I've cut the bin and made a mount for the conductor. It's not perfect but it will do. At £86 a throw, I can live with it.

Very gingerly took the seat out

Physically, the new setup fitted nicely into the space. I took a separate fused feed from the battery.

Quick break for food and contemplation of life etc.

I didn't want to take the inner plastic panel off the doors. The little white clips looked like they probably would come out but not without some of them breaking so I cut the metal backed material into smaller squares and stuck them down as far as my arm would go. I then covered them with this peaky material.

Couple of small dramas that took up the most time. Got it all in and nothing worked - yay!

I was originally going to use a Director which requires power - I took this from the 38 pin connector. When I changed to Conductor and removed the wires, I re-wired the ZEN the wrong way round. Fortunately not killing it in the process.

2nd silly thing was remote on - I could not work out why the amp was still on when the car was off. I could pick up the amp on Bluetooth scan and the Conductor was still live. Took the amp back out and changed the remote on from the ZEN to the 38 pin. This seemingly had no effect.

Some time later - I realised the Bluetooth was still on and some parts of the amp and zen seemed to be on even with the battery disconnected because I still had the car plugged into the trickle charger!

I was taking off the negative terminal but the charge lead takes the negative from the body, so there was some element of circuit keeping the amp somewhat alive.
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What have you done to your car today?

...probably put a considerable amount of engine wear on it in a few hundred yards!

Driving to work through the industrial estate and one of the cotton wool brained Evri delivery zombies decided to swing out into the road (after literally just parking up hence me being caught unawares). I was alongside so I instinctively pinned the throttle and went from electric driving to redlining a stone cold engine in an instant. It was barely above freezing so I'm sure the lubricating properties of the oil were ideal for such abuse :o Sounded like it was in pain!

It isn't my car but I was still annoyed :mad:
Replacement arm and repainted spring on, new arm bushes, new trunnion bushes, new hardware, new brake hose.


I'll do the dust boots soon, they're all looking pretty sad, but just about doing their job. :p


On the other side, I noticed that I had accidentally pinched the brake pipe that goes between the two brake cylinders... So I need to sort that now... :rolleyes:

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The clutch was on its way out on my daughters Punto. Forward 5 no problem but reverse would pretty much grind unless you turned off the engine and started it. I did make an adjustable clutch rod but it made no difference.

Managed to get a LUK clutch kit with DMF and slave for £320 which was a bit of a bargain. The parts I took off were original Fiat so I guess it has never had a clutch before.

I also got to use my engine beam which has been sat unused for ages. Also doubled as a winch to lift the gearbox up which sure beats bench pressing it into place! Made the whole job a doddle.


Also refitted the freshly painted wing mirror covers and bumper with new grills and badges. Shame I have to put a plate back on it. Looks far cooler without!

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Well, all went well with the GTR going, glad its staying reasonably local, dont know why. Now its gone, I can get on with the Suzuki a bit more while bidding on the GTR's replacement in Japan

At the same time, the little Suzuki had a bit of a clean as it arrived very dirty from Japan. Also had the off road tyres fitted:

The clutch was on its way out on my daughters Punto. Forward 5 no problem but reverse would pretty much grind unless you turned off the engine and started it. I did make an adjustable clutch rod but it made no difference.

Managed to get a LUK clutch kit with DMF and slave for £320 which was a bit of a bargain. The parts I took off were original Fiat so I guess it has never had a clutch before.

I also got to use my engine beam which has been sat unused for ages. Also doubled as a winch to lift the gearbox up which sure beats bench pressing it into place! Made the whole job a doddle.

Also refitted the freshly painted wing mirror covers and bumper with new grills and badges. Shame I have to put a plate back on it. Looks far cooler without!
That neam looks epic, I have only done one clutch change before, but yes the bench pressing it into place was not fun.
Job well done.

I cleared the Mrs car out, shifting all the kids rubbish today.
That neam looks epic, I have only done one clutch change before, but yes the bench pressing it into place was not fun.
Job well done.

Just simply slid the gearbox underneath then bolted it to the chain and wound it up the beam until it was in place. Took me ten minutes at most. Like you said I have done a clutch once before and it was like a wrestling match and my arms hurt for about two days after!

I think I only paid £40 for the beam as well so not that expensive.
Just simply slid the gearbox underneath then bolted it to the chain and wound it up the beam until it was in place. Took me ten minutes at most. Like you said I have done a clutch once before and it was like a wrestling match and my arms hurt for about two days after!

I think I only paid £40 for the beam as well so not that expensive.
That's a cracking idea! I've never thought of using one for a gearbox swap but it makes perfect sense. I've got a few to do this year and often work by myself, so will definitely buy one of those beams.
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