So I finally had enough money the other day to buy a flagship.
Difficult choice! I listened to the LCD-2F and thought they sounded fantastic but they had this grainy sound that bothered me. The bass was great and the mids sounded more natural. I prefer the older mids though.
Next was the Oppo PM1 which was brilliant, smooth with great impact but sounded quite boring, even for my taste. I couldn't justify the price at all. They, to me sound more like a £500 headphone.
Next was a re-visit to the HE560. I found them hyper extended in the treble which great detail. The sound was a bit drier than I like. Great but not for me.
Ahhh next up the Older LCD2! Beautiful as ever! Great mids and amazing bass! Sadly like before, I found them to sound more like a £500-600 headphone. I love them though so they were at the top.
Next up was the HE-500. I always liked this headphone but previously found them bright. This time my thoughts changed. I found the mids extremely lush and warm sounding...Just like the LCD2 non fazor. The treble sounded beautiful. They had better resolution than the old LCD2 and a more natural soundstage. Bass extended and just liquid smooth. They had no trade offs at all.
It was between the LCD2 and HE500. Mids are a touch warmer on the Audeze and the bass is a bit better extendedm the Hifimans just sounded like they did everything well.
Went home to think and had a msg on headfi from a guy I've traded with before who said he has a brand new HE500and he would make me a deal.
I've been loving them and they basically cost me £400.