what headphones do you own thread - i own dt150's :)

They sound different, the sound stage is amazing but that must be going from from the Lyr with almost dead tubes (loads of noise when nothing is playing) to a Mjolnir.
Since the Mjolnir is balanced only I can't A/B them balanced/unbalanced from the same source so have no idea if it does anything for them.
One thing I noticed is I am not finding the treble at all harsh, which I was expecting with this setup, especially after months of only using the LCD-3.
I love the total darkness of the Mjolnir, the noise these headphones would pickup from the Lyr is just gone when nothing is playing or during gaps in music.
Got me a pair of Denon D600s. Makes anything else I've listened to sound thoroughly anaemic (apart from my old D2000s which were pretty close).

Such good noises. So many bass.

They feel a little less fragile than the D2000s, but maybe don't look so 'premium'. They're even comfier than the D2000s though, which is almost unimaginable. Cable is at least a million better than the D2000s tangly-spangly effort.

The mids are recessed and the top is a little bright, but I'm very pleased with the noises they're making through my modded XiangSheng valve amp/Digital Dialogue DAC when blasting out Infected Mushroom's finest beats. I just wish I still had my D2000s to enable a full back-to-back comparison.

I'm afraid to try listening to rock/vocal, as I'm pretty sure I'll be a little disappointed (but then I have my modded HD 580s for that duty).

Putting it bluntly, there is bass that these headphones dig up that your K70Xs/HD 580/6XXs/DT880s simply can't present. Would like to try some DT990s one day perhaps...
Putting it bluntly, there is bass that these headphones dig up that your K70Xs/HD 580/6XXs/DT880s simply can't present. Would like to try some DT990s one day perhaps...

You've not heard HD600s w/ an AD8066 op amp :O - (I am still completely blown away by what that amp is capable of bass wise).
Moving to ITX in the coming weeks so lost my sound card.

Moved over to a DAC AMP combo as I needed something external.

We have had the OrigenAE M7 in stock for ages so I decided to give it a go.


build quality is superb, really couldn't ask for more. The sound is fantastic, really clear and it has a crispness to the mids in rock music that I felt was missing from the sound cards I have owned previously.

Perfect pairing for the AKG 702.
Will be getting my first proper headphone soon, the Q701s from the MM thanks to maj :)
Will be pairing it with a O2+ODAC combo also getting second hand from head-fi.

Total cost is £230, chuffed :D
I'm after some cheap and cheerful headphones so I've just ordered these:


I normally just use the standard earphones that come with a mobile phone so I expect these to be a bit better... They originally cost around £100 and they are still that price in some places but hukd have them for £23.99 delivered.
Will be getting my first proper headphone soon, the Q701s from the MM thanks to maj :)
Will be pairing it with a O2+ODAC combo also getting second hand from head-fi.

Total cost is £230, chuffed :D

You'd have the Q701s now if you were in at the time of delivery:p
You'd have the Q701s now if you were in at the time of delivery:p

I know right!
Damn! Woke up this morning a little later than usual.
The **** thing is postman didnt even leave a card!
So I am at a loss as to what to do regarding collecting it/redelivering.
I know right!
Damn! Woke up this morning a little later than usual.
The **** thing is postman didnt even leave a card!
So I am at a loss as to what to do regarding collecting it/redelivering.

You'll have to get in touch with local royal mail office.

At least they didn't leave them in a "secure" place like behind the bin in the back garden like one postman did to me.
love my modded 558's anyone recommend a DAC AMP combo? i only have a asus DG at the moment! :( but i do like DH as i do game a lot!
My first real audio setup :D The difference in sound coming from my Asus ROG mobo dac and no amp to this Schiit stack and DT990s is just ridiculous. I've been going through gigs of music that sounds almost new to me now that I'm hearing so many undertones and little pieces I never noticed before WOOOO!

The only official source is electromod as far as im aware, though i would highly recomend spending the extra £70 on a QDac over the schiit magni/modi.

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