Got my Schiit Amp & DAC.
First amp/dac I've bought, but massively impressed. Build quality is just perfect. Everything seems to be made of metal and beautifully machined. The sound is also excellent, though I have little to compare it to. One thing I did immediately notice was the highs, which seem to have more 'depth' or 'body' to them (if that makes any sense).
Sadly though I can't say the same for Hifiman HE 400i. They just don't sound right to my ears, like there's some weird dips and peaks in the frequency response. The bass seems to be lacking in my opinion, like it has no form or body to it. Mids are similarly lacking in body and depth. I don't think they are recessed, but don't sound lush like they do on my HD650. In fact, thats the main issue I have with them, they don't sound lush like the HD650 does. Even my Creative Aurvana Live! have more depth to the sound, more lushness. Finally, to make matters worse, the treble is too hot for my liking and is bordering on painful.
Not happy at all with these.