What is a good salary in UK at present?

Average wages in the UK are very screwed by London TBH. Most people aren't on anything like the numbers being thrown around here. Buying a place in London you litterly need to be a Shiek, because that is who you are competing with.

North of London you can mortgage a 2+ bedroom house, with garden and driveway for about 1/2 of the rent you pay in London for a single room.
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Average wages in the UK are very screwed by London TBH. Most people aren't on anything like the numbers being thrown around here. Buying a place in London you litterly need to be a Shiek, because that is who you are competing with.

North of London you can mortgage a 2+ bedroom house, with garden and driveway for about 1/2 of the rent you pay in London for a single room.
Which numbers specifically?
Lot of people quoting 35-50k salaries yet so many on strike due to these wages....
The 9% pay rise they're striking for won't change a 35k wage into the 100k dream world that seems to exist on many of these threads.

Take a look at your local job adverts. Might give you a bit better expectation fo the real world.

A good wage is one that covers your outgoings, and that can vary significantly dependant on many factors.
Lot of people quoting 35-50k salaries yet so many on strike due to these wages....

They are but this could be either because they feel these salaries are no longer representative of their skills or knowledge and others would have been on these salaries well before pandemic and not had a (decent) pay rise in years. So they still have the same salary but their expenses which were fine 3-4 years ago and matched their incomes have now increased by 10% or so. Some of them will still be fine but lot of them and especially those who stretched themselves in hope their salary will increase are now struggling.

Being this is OCUK there is one true measure. Just pick the one you would normally buy and this proven method will confirm if your salary if decent or not:

Salary Ranking
- Low Salary/Living Wage
- Below Average
- Average/Typical Salary
- Above Average
- Well Paid
- Elon Musk

I see what you're trying to do but even this very much depends on a user. I could easily afford your well paid example but if I was to build a new PC today I'd have picked your average/ typical salary example. If you look at my signature I built this PC in Dec 2020 for just shy of £2k for everything. It was overkill for my uses back then and even today it's still way more powerful than I actually need.
Where are all the GigaChad’s on 6 figures?

I mean real 6 six figures as well, not that inflated Swiss **** or earthquake dollars in NZ.
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When I first moved to London in 2015 I was on £35k, rented a room off a mate (so got a very good rate), and could afford to go for the occasional dinner, have some hobbies (various sports), and a couple of holidays a year.

I'm now on about £115k, own a place (with a mortgage, obviously), and otherwise can afford to go for the occasional dinner, have some hobbies (various sports, now with slightly better kit), and a couple of holidays a year.

Basically, aside from the fact that I own a place and live alone, and am putting a lot more money away for the future, my lifestyle has barely changed. The biggest difference day to day is that if I go out for food or a few drinks and get hit with a bill of £100+, it's frustrating but won't really affect the rest of my week, whereas before that was sufficient to make me into a hermit for a weekend or two.

In short, it therefore depends on what you want from life, which will change as your life progresses.
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Lot of people quoting 35-50k salaries yet so many on strike due to these wages....

most of the striking is because wages haven't kept pace with inflation, only so many years you can take an >10% effective pay cut before its going to get your goat.

When I first moved to London...

I can see your issues - leave London, its just so much more affordable :)

Where are all the GigaChad’s on 6 figures?
Living it up in Venezuela
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Lot of people quoting 35-50k salaries yet so many on strike due to these wages....

It’s what you’re expected to do for said wages. It’s all well and good taking a great paying job, but it’s about what the role entails. I’d happily take a lower paid job doing something I enjoy.
100k is probably middle class these days.

40k is working poor unless you live at home with parents.
Well 40k is slightly above national average. Which means ~50% of the UK population is working poor. Hey, if it lets me have another dig at the Tories I'll happily agree to your classification :p
I've recently just about hit 100k, if you count future-dated equity arrangements (NASDAQ-listed employer). More like 70k if you only count base salary. It must be well above the national average, and certainly is where I live (East Midlands). But as the sole earner with a wife and 2 kids, I certainly don't feel rich! Comfortable and secure, yes. Rich, no. Unless you're on the bread-line, then your financial situation has a lot more to do with what you spend than what you earn.
I can see your issues - leave London, its just so much more affordable :)
Sadly in my industry I'd be taking a 35-40% pay cut were I to do so! I'm definitely not in London for the long long term, but want to be here for long enough to (a) pay off a decent chunk of the mortgage and (b) get senior enough to go elsewhere and be very comfy.
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