What is it that makes people hate Apple so much?

Overpriced and overrated imo. You can build a pc for half the price that would blow a Mac out of the water. If you want to pay for style then good luck.

That is my opinion.
"A Tablet to Create a Better World", portrayed as though it alone could change an Orwellian state for the better. Now that's hyperbole!

It's a direct crib of the Apple 1984 advert with a bit of spin applied. Not original or as ironic as I suspect they hoped it would be.

Americans trying to do irony = LOL.
One thing I am starting to more and more dislike about them is the seeming arrogance of the company. They seem to be trying to buy out competition or sue for virtually anything at the moment.
Maybe they are now too big?

Whilst I agree companies should protect their rights it feels as if they are using it to stifle competition which in the long run is not good.

This is no different to the practise of any other large Corporation, try and buy out as much as the competition as possible.

Also in-regards to Apple taking out law suits against the competition, that's a bit of a one sided argument. In the highly competitive mobile phone market, the manufacturers are also suing and counter-suing each other.

The BBC actually had a really good article on it a few months ago, but I've been unable to find it. Basically the point of these court cases and patent disagreements is not really about actually winning, as in many cases they won't. For example, trying to argue that something like 'App Store' is patented. The reason they all spend thousands of dollars on their lawyers is in order to attempt to slow the competition down, rather than stop them.

If you can prevent a rival going to market over a small infringement that isn't likely to come of much, then that's a win because it means you can get your product to the market first. They are all playing this game.
I guess its because people I know who have macs, do not need them at all, they just have them because "they are better" and try to push their image of "hey i've got money so I buy Apple" to people. Also when confronted as to why their macs/phones/audio devices etc aren't practical for the reason they have them, they just avoid conversation with the "if u could afford it, u would buy it" when I wouldn't.
I have a very good friend of mine who is the only Mac user I don't dislike, who said to me "I just wanted to get a Mac, i know a PC would suit me best, but I just felt like buying a Mac for the design and beauty".
Also another idiotic argument is that "windows is crap because virus exists for them". When the market share is so big what do you expect? Also they tend to believe that virus do not exist for macs or that they never ever crash, when both things I've seen happen (and even caused a few crashes as well ;p).
The reason that I don't like the company is because they charge a LOT for upgrades, and generally the hardware.
An example is the aluminium used for MBPs. Sure the hardware will run cooler, so the electronics might last more, but.. it's a laptop, so what if after 5 years everything is fried?

I got a Mac for absolutely none of those reasons, and use absolutely none of those arguments.

Using aluminium makes sense for a number of reasons and not just for cooling ability, durability and strength being two of them.

Regarding upgrade prices, really, it's not just Apple. All OEMs and indeed other industries (read: car manufacturers) are guilty of it. There's a discussion on this very issue elsewhere in this sub-forum.

To me, a lot of this Apple hate from the general public does come down to ignorance and hearsay. The media has a lot to be thanked for that, too for who they are always seemingly keeping Apple in the limelight for longer than is necessary on certain matters compared to other companies. It's like anything that rapidly gains in popularity, and there will always be a spurt of haters and negativity from a particular crowd either just or unjust for whatever reasons.

I also think it's because people are a lot more aware of their money these days and are much wiser consumers. The majority of people will look into saving a few pennies at every turn, buy the cheapest priced groceries in the supermarket, or lower quality fuel or some cheap unknown branded TV instead of a more expensive Panasonic. Cheap electronics are now seen as commodities rather than as luxury goods, so the higher quality, higher priced products suffer. In Apple's case they have the phenomenal marketing power to get over this hurdle, and it's what makes them stand out from the rest of the pack.
There are few reasons I dislike apple.

1. The walled garden approach to applications.
2. Overpriced. It's not jealously, it's why would I by an apple device when in my circumstances I can buy something better for a lot less. Particularly with Laptops
3. Their OS is pretty much just a gimped version of Unix. I can stick linux on my computer and get all the benefits it provides

Things that annoy me less.
ipods, phones and pads are not bought by most people because they know it's better or worse than the competition. Often they don't have a clue. They buy because idevices have become a bit of a fashion accessory, everyone else has one. I showed my friend my Samsung Galaxy 2S the other day and she just couldn't see past the fact that it wasn't an iphone, anything wasn't worth buying as they are not iphones

A lot of owners are smug as hell. Perhaps it's a minority but a very loud one.

In saying all that I have never felt the need to critisise them at every opportunity unless it contributed to the discussion
I own an i pod so i don't hate Apple that much. It is good for what i want it for.

Computer wise i will always build my own.
I love how things just work and the limits go purely the depths of the users imagination.

Say I want to make a cool video it's not only the foresight of the project that keeps me going. When I use iMovie the process of the creation is also enjoyable and not tedious. Obviously's iMovie is basic compared to Final Cut but as soon as I feel ready to movie to Final Cut I will. iMovie seems to do the job in most cases anyway.
Same for new cars. Same for new films. Same for new games. Same for new books. Why are you singling out Apple as the nadir of consumerist excess when this happens with all popular things?
It's totally different and I don't understand how you can't see this.

Give me some examples of those things where people queue up and are regularly shown queueing up on the news for everyone to observe?

Harry Potter is probably the most obvious film example, or Call of Duty for gaming. Neither of these things cost a significant amount of money so the vast majority of the populace have access to them, and watching films and playing games is not considered decadent by society. Neither are books.

Do people queue up for cars? Perhaps people "queue" on manufacturer waiting lists for the latest Ferrari or Lamborghini or whatever, but is this ever reported on the mainstream news? I also think supercars are somewhat of a unique case really because it's generally rich people they are targeted towards, and rich people can (and do) buy anything they want.

I find your examples quite bizarre to be honest because whether you're prepared to accept it or not pretty much every release of a new iPhone or iPad or whatever else Apple brings out pretty much always coincides with news reports showing people waiting long periods of time in queues, etc. People waiting in queues to buy the latest revision - barely different from the previous revision - priced well in excess of what ordinary people would probably consider sensible. £300+ for a phone, £300+ for a touchscreen tablet to use because waiting a minute for a laptop to boot is too much like hard work, etc.

Again, forget individual sentiment - the OP asked why "people" as in the general masses who see these things in the media might have a distaste for it, and I explained a possible reason why. :confused:
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Not all that many really! I just find it bizarre how upset people get about Apple, it doesn't make any real sense.

My girlfriend is the same!

"Do you want to use my spare iPhone 4 dear?"

"No, Steve Jobs is an idiot."


If I was your girlfriend, could I use your spare iPhone love? :p


On topic, basically its already been said, the price tag and specifically the 'closed' system of the iPhone seem to be the high points when discussing Apple, but its because of that tight leash that makes the phone so universal and geeks don't like it being Apple's way or not. Personally though, you find a person who dislikes Apple for whatever reason, give them a MBP/iMac/iPhone and they'll soon change their minds, and the only gripe left would be the price. Quality has always been a higher price throughout history, but these people don't include the software that comes with the mac they see overpriced components.

It actually makes me cringe when reading 'hatred' for a product that the person hasn't used, when they say they have, 5 minutes in an Apple Store doesn't qualify an experience of the OS. Windows XP/Vista were never a touch on 10.4+ it's only W7 that has come along, and even then you can see they've taken a fresh/clean overview from OSX.

My suggestion is not to get into a debate online, you'll never win, others will simply take cheap shots and praise the Almighty GOOGLE. It seems Google has become the geeks best friend, more so than MS ever was.
I am a mac owner/ mac user. I have an iPhone and a MacBook pro.

That being said, I do often get irritated by apple the company, and apple owners.

This is mainly due to high levels of smugness, a slightly bizzare evangelical attitude toward their products, and the amount of hype for their product releases.

This won't put me off buying more apple products, but I can see where the hate stems from.
I think its amusing the lengths of these 'haters' go to to emphasise their points, making videos and 'funny' graphics, and some most have taken such a long time to create.

I don't like marzipan, but I don't make videos of it saying how crap is it, I just don't eat it. By the same token, Im not a windows/pc user anymore and much prefer OSX, but you won't find me in the PC section of this forum making broad uninformed statements declaring my hatred of them, I just don't go there.

It seems cool to hate Apple these days, like it was cool to **** off Microsoft (M$) and Bill Gates a few years ago. These people just need to concentrate on their own business and let 'us' get on with using our choice of platform.

You seem to ignore the other side of the spectrum. There are Apple lovers who do all that about how great Apple is, and how "crap" Microsoft is. I would expect it's these people that the extreme Apple haters are talking about when they talk about the smugness of them.

I don't understand why people who claim to be neutral, are so quick to claim people "hate" Apple because they're some how jealous. If you're neutral, why would your first assumption be jealousy? Jealous of what exactly? To those who claim jealousy I think you often come across as a "typical Apple" fan without you even realising.

One reason why Apple is hated on so much, despite how other companies do similar things to them is because of the ubiquitous nature of Apple products. A lot of people tend to have some sort of "iDevice", most people will know a few people with iDevices.

The problem with the attitude is that Apple put across that you're "someone" if you own Apple stuff, and this tends to attract pretentious types of people who want others to know they buy Apple products exclusively, these people have a lot of opinions about how great Apple/OSX/Macbooks are and it's often in comparison to Windows based computers. These opinions they come out with are also very often uninformed opinions on things they don't understand.

One of the most recent ones was "Windows uses too much RAM because when I use it in a Virtual Machine, it uses loads of my Mac's system RAM, so I hate Windows but I have to use it to play certain games". "Uses too much RAM" is often something said by people who know absolutely nothing about computers in the first place and don't understand that RAM usage is good, why would you have 8GB in the first place if you only want 1GB of it to be used at any time? (no I'm not saying only uninformed Apple users have this opinion).

As a company, I have to admit that I can't stand them (some of the reasons listed above), and I've noticed people like Robbo seemingly get all upset and offended on the mere mention of anything critical about Apple, he's extremely quick to bring out the "JEALOUS" accusations.

I'm aware that all Apple users aren't equal, but it's obvious that the more vocal ones are the ones who are partial to smack talking about things they don't understand, and I find it's because of the fact that Apple markets themselves as "something special" or "the alternative" and people susceptible to that type of "image" are likely to pick up on that and buy Apple because they want to fit in with that.

You don't seem to get the same type of people acting the same of "Windows" or "Microsoft" probably because it's seen as "normal", "mundane" and "nothing special", the fact that people think a "mac" and a "PC" are different things somewhat proves this. A computer running OSX and a computer running Windows are both still PCs.

Even as an iPhone user, I've always found the joke "How do you know some one has an iPhone? They always tell you" quite funny because I've noticed it a lot, for some bizarre reason people seem to be "proud" of the fact that they have an iPhone/Macbook/iMac/Mac and it's weird. "I'll send you an email from my macbook" sounds like something you'd hear from some one, "I'll send you an email from my Windows 7 Sony Vaio" doesn't, and you'd probably get arrested for saying it.
Even as an iPhone user, I've always found the joke "How do you know some one has an iPhone? They always tell you" quite funny because I've noticed it a lot, for some bizarre reason people seem to be "proud" of the fact that they have an iPhone/Macbook/iMac/Mac and it's weird. "I'll send you an email from my macbook" sounds like something you'd hear from some one, "I'll send you an email from my Windows 7 Sony Vaio" doesn't, and you'd probably get arrested for saying it.

I don't buy it.

People refer to them as "macbook" because thats what they are - a mac. Theres nothing else you can call them. Its not a PC, its a mac.

The biggest problem, and the one that has reared its head several times in this thread is that they are seen as fashionable. And thus it attracts exactly the same bile and hate, as those who spend £300 on a tshift because its got a certain designer on it.
There are few reasons I dislike apple.

1. The walled garden approach to applications.
Can you explain what you mean by walled garden? Thanks.
2. Overpriced. It's not jealously, it's why would I by an apple device when in my circumstances I can buy something better for a lot less. Particularly with Laptops
While Apple to seem to charge quite a lot of seemingly similar products, I have yet to see any laptops that I would consider to be better as an overall package.
3. Their OS is pretty much just a gimped version of Unix. I can stick linux on my computer and get all the benefits it provides
Is there any way I can run Ableton and Logic Studio on under linux? How about Final Cut?
Things that annoy me less.
ipods, phones and pads are not bought by most people because they know it's better or worse than the competition. Often they don't have a clue. They buy because idevices have become a bit of a fashion accessory, everyone else has one. I showed my friend my Samsung Galaxy 2S the other day and she just couldn't see past the fact that it wasn't an iphone, anything wasn't worth buying as they are not iphones

A lot of owners are smug as hell. Perhaps it's a minority but a very loud one.

In saying all that I have never felt the need to critisise them at every opportunity unless it contributed to the discussion
Pretty much all of the people I have met who own Apple stuff don't go on about it, they're not smug at all.
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