What is it that makes people hate Apple so much?

because you choose not to....

Because unless I want to live in the car, I can't afford it. It's common sense really more than anything else.

Not everyone is able to buy iPhones and Macs, they simply don't have the disposable income to do so, so they buy something cheaper and this may cause them to dismiss Apple products as overpriced.

There have been countless threads in the Mobile forum where people have said "Well, I'd like an iPhone but I can't afford one".
Of course I'm serious....if you want something, then you can always afford it. Might take some time, but you can get there. If it will take too long then people choose something else or wait or go without. If you really can't afford something like an iPod then you are managing your finances very badly. That doesn't mean you would choose one though because you may feel it's too expensive. In that case you could go without, or have a cheaper perhaps inferior substitute. Life is always about choice, be it financial or a deliberate choice of what you need or desire. I too could probably afford a Ferrari, but with a family of four and only enough money to run 1 car and only room to park one car I have a Scenic. Everyone budgets for items, they go the supermarket and choose stuff, take outs, misc. expenses and what's left is theirs for whatever. If you lived on beans on toast you could afford more expensive items...
and of course you choose to live in a house not a car...but you could walk or get public transport and forget a car altogether. Might be impractical but it's still a choice. Yes, I agree an Apple product isn't a necessity, yes a luxury item indeed, but you still do have a choice. The car you have, that's a choice. You choose where to live and how you live...your whole life is based on choices - no ifs or buts.
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and of course you choose to live in a house not a car...but you could walk or get public transport and forget a car altogether. Might be impractical but it's still a choice. Yes, I agree an Apple product isn't a necessity, yes a luxury item indeed, but you still do have a choice. The car you have, that's a choice. You choose where to live and how you live...your whole life is based on choices - no ifs or buts.

You're being fatuous.

There is a point at which it is altogether reasonable to say "I can't afford this" without it meaning "I am choosing not to spend money on this in favour of something else".
and of course you choose to live in a house not a car...but you could walk or get public transport and forget a car altogether. Might be impractical but it's still a choice. Yes, I agree an Apple product isn't a necessity, yes a luxury item indeed, but you still do have a choice. The car you have, that's a choice. You choose where to live and how you live...your whole life is based on choices - no ifs or buts.

You're just being ridiculously vague.

You're being fatuous.

There is a point at which it is altogether reasonable to say "I can't afford this" without it meaning "I am choosing not to spend money on this in favour of something else".

Exactly. :)
There have been countless threads in the Mobile forum where people have said "Well, I'd like an iPhone but I can't afford one".

That doesn't make sense, you can get an iphone on contract for around £35 per month (handset is free), if they can't afford an iphone they can't really afford any decent contract phone.
I possibly am....but you're confusing my basic point with your reasoning. Of course there are no-brainer choices in life, that's just how it works. But people existed for millions of years without a car, telephones etc. Credit is fairly new, people saved up for items before. Anyone can afford an Apple product if they want but they would have to make sacrifices to do so, in some case pretty serious sacrifices. Cars are still luxury items like Apple products, but many people still choose to run cars, more than 1 in some cases. You still choose not to spend your money on something, or conversely choose to buy something. If you got rid of something you could afford something else, be it an Apple product or not. It's wholly reasonable to dismiss this line of thinking because you want something or perhaps even need something more than a Mac. But as you're posting on here guys I'm pretty certain you have an alternative or a Mac, and that makes you own or have use of something that to be brutally honest is a luxury item. You don't need it to survive do you?
I don't hate Apple at all, I buy a PC because I like to play games and specific programs

I never bought an iPod because it went against everything an MP3 player should be, drag & drop USB storage (without the need for extra applications or tying you to one machine)

They make a good product and they sell it well, very well

Disregarding drag and drop, a good reason not to own an iPod is the availability of mp3 players that have far superior sound quality and still cost less.
Disregarding drag and drop, a good reason not to own an iPod is the availability of mp3 players that have far superior sound quality and still cost less.

But iPod is the generic term these days, go into a high street store and take a look at your choices...pretty limited I'd say!
That doesn't make sense, you can get an iphone on contract for around £35 per month (handset is free), if they can't afford an iphone they can't really afford any decent contract phone.

Yes it does.

They can't afford it so they don't get a decent contract phone, or get a top Android phone for £20~ per month instead, or just buy something like an Orange San Francisco for £90~.

As for 3dcandy... just... nevermind :p
Yes it does.

They can't afford it so they don't get a decent contract phone, or get a top Android phone for £20~ per month instead, or just buy something like an Orange San Francisco for £90~.

As for 3dcandy... just... nevermind :p

For £20 a month? What "top" android phone in comparison to an iPhone 4 are you thinking of here? The San Francisco isn't in the same league.
:Nope Robbo it doesn't..as Cuchulain says if they can't afford an iPhone they can't afford a decent contract phone..a phone isn't a necessity!

Just face it, we can agree to disagree? I'm all for the debate you see...I'm on one side, and you my friend are on the other

Having read the comments on lots of tech sites such as Engadget where the mood is overwhelmingly anti-Apple, I don't think it has very much to do with price. I think there are two main groups of Apple haters.

The first are the ideologues. These are the guys who despise Apple's 'walled garden' approach with the iPhone/iPad/iMac and can't understand why anybody would support such restrictive practices when they could buy an open-source alternative instead. They can't understand why Apple's model is so popular because they don't realise that most users don't care one way or the other about open-source and just want something that's accessible and easy to use.

The second are the geeks. These are the guys who criticise the "dumbed down", "Fisher Price" user interfaces on the iPhone and iPad. They talk a lot about Flash support, "true" multitasking and the fact that Apple "copies" a lot of features from Android phones. They can't understand why Apple's model is so popular because they don't realise that most users don't make buying decisions based on the details included on a spec sheet and just want something that's accessible and easy to use.
^ Spot on Mattus.

Cuchulain, I'll find you some examples later (I'm on my phone at the minute) but have a browse, they are out there.
if you can find me a £20 contract for an SGS 2 with a free handset I'll eat my underpants

Plus Samsung Galaxy S II - Available for £19.00!
Plus 500MB Mobile Internet (O2)
Plus Unlimited Wi-Fi (O2)
Phone and price plan details
Minutes 100 per month -
Texts 500 per month -
Monthly £21.50 £21.50

OK, so it's £19 for the phone but that works out at £22 a month over the course of the contract.

I think that counts as £20-25, no need to eat your undies though; just a sock will do :D
Man alive!

I was looking a month or so ago for the missus and the cheapest I could find was £26 with no data via dialaphone on o2.

I noticed on o2 you can get a contract for £13.50 a month if you shell out £179 for the handset, madness!

Anyhow, I'm off to find some ketchup.
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