Man alive!
I was looking a month or so ago for the missus and the cheapest I could find was £26 with no data via dialaphone on o2.
I noticed on o2 you can get a contract for £13.50 a month if you shell out £179 for the handset, madness!
Anyhow, I'm off to find some ketchup.
Surely mayo is in order for underpants...
I'll go fetch my coat
I now own an iPad 2, iPhone 4 and an iPod Classic, this comes from the guy who said
"My netbook does everything an iPad can do, and it was cheaper"
The point is, neither Windows or OSX/Microsoft or Apple are better than the other, both companies have their strengths and both have their weaknesses, I would love a Macbook, but I can't justify the price at the moment when now, I have an iPad I no longer need my netbook.
As far as desktop computers go I doubt I'll ever buy a Mac purely because they're not very customisable and for the money I'd drop on a mac, I could get higher specs for the same money by building my own Windows based PC
I have a self-built Windows machine because I play games that are only available on Windows and Windows Media Centre knocks the socks off anything that's available for the Mac. I can also customise the machine to my liking with the hardware of my choice.
Even over XBMC? for media centre I couldn't not use XBMC, so many options and supported over several platforms...
The walled garden
Apple fanboi's
The switch to intel hardware - before you could claim a Mac was faster, now it justs looks prettier
It's more the whole jesus cult/apple fanboi thing for me, as well as Apple really not being geared for the corporate environment..
Did I mention the fanbois?
The walled garden
Apple fanboi's
The switch to intel hardware - before you could claim a Mac was faster, now it justs looks prettier
It's more the whole jesus cult/apple fanboi thing for me, as well as Apple really not being geared for the corporate environment..
Did I mention the fanbois?
So many nerds in here raging. It's quite funny.
The walled garden
Apple fanboi's
The majority of people don't like anything they don't understand or can't use.
People are used to getting their tasks done on say Windows, so using anything but Windows makes them feel uncomfortable.
The resulting response is to hate it.