My boyfriend told me a couple of freaky stories today.
When he was a kid, he was at his friend's house and the radio came on and the volume started fluctuating - going louder then quieter etc, and he is sure he remembers actually seeing the volume dial moving
At a later date in the same house, his friend's dad had put a chip pan on in the kitchen and fell asleep in the living room. As the pan was left it ended up setting fire to the kitchen, then suddenly he felt like he was shaken awake by someone (depite no one else being in the house at the time!), realised there was a fire and managed to get out.
When he went back into the house with the firemen afterwards, there were dirty footprints on the CEILING! *shudder*
Apparently his friend's dad thinks it was his late father looking out for him so is at least able to take comfort from it.