What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

Ok, ive got a story which when i was told made my hairs spike on my neck.

A good 5 years back this is. One of my close friends was asked to babysit a boy while the parents went around the corner for a drink as they never go out.

It was about 10pm, admittedly they asked her to put him to bed at 8, but she used it to get on the little ones good side. Anyway after about 10 minutes he came downstairs and said he cant sleep because a clowns making a funny noise. She thought he was trying to stay up abit longer. But she walked him back upstairs and left the landing light on.

5 minutes passed and apparently he came down again teary saying that its laughing at him and he cant sleep. So she goes up stairs and roots through his toybox asking him what toy made the noise, just incase another toy was pressing on it setting it off. By this time my friend was saying she was freaking out abit. Anyway she went downstairs again and actually rang the parents.. Which said hes making it up. Always said theres noises but nothing actually there.

While on the phone he screams she flies upstairs and the boy was saying; "the clown tried holding me, but i wasnt asleep i swear it". At this time, shes freaking out and telling them to come home. They are about 15 mins off, and because she sounded so upset they told her to go next door and see if they can sit with them, as their are close friends. (Bare in mind 5 years ago'ish my friend would have been 17).

Anyway long story short they get in the neighbours living room and the fella is looking at the house and notices something moving. Apparently there was a 40 year old man with a clowns mask and chef trousers scuttering down the drainpipe.

To this day thinking of this story freaks the hell out of me.

This is one of them stories that everyone spreads around I've heard this before off friends.
When I was a kid we had our bedroom upstairs and my mattress was on the floor next to the door. The door led to a small hallway right next to the stairs. Every night at the dead of night (like 03:00) we'd hear what sounded like a wooden sideboard getting dragged about the living room downstairs for a solid five minutes (we didn't have a sideboard), then the living room door would slam with the loudest bang you could ever hear.

My Mother NEVER woke up or heard this even though she was next door to us. My Brother would hear this too and looked terrified but he was never willing to admit that this was happening and just stayed under his duvet even after I woke him up. The most horrific part of of this was that after the door slammed somebody would slowly bang their way up the stairs taking the best part of five minutes to reach the top, torturing us basically.

This being extremely awful as my head was next to the floor and I basically looked directly at the crack under the door. You would see the light being blacked out because somebody was there right behind our thin board wall just standing there. This went on every night for three years until I finally got my Brother to go along with me and tell my Mother about this. She got a priest up who did his thing in the house and it just vanished.

Even though my Mother never heard this, she did tell us years later that when we first moved into the house she had seen somebody at the window looking at her as she came up to the place for the first time. :(

I've had other things happen over the years from ghosts to hardcore sleep paralysis too, but maybe that's for another time.
Sleep paralysis is something I never wish to experience, got a friend who gets it regularly and it seems to have affected him.

Yeah. I've had faces coming towards me in the dark and the walls of my room replaced with hundreds of pairs of old wriggling hands etc. Anything you consider scary, I've had over the years. Pretty much everything. :(

I first got it on the day of my sixteenth birthday and thought I'd been given some kind of power to speak to the dead (given how real the experience was you'd have thought so too). I had a head float into my room and introduce herself before flying towards me at breakneck speed. I ran into my Brother hysterical after the first occurrence. You just learn to live with it, but you NEVER get comfortable with it.
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Used to suffer regularly with sleep paralysis, haven't had an episode for about 10 years now, but it can be pretty terrifying. That feeling of desperately trying to move but being unable to no matter how hard you try whilst having hallucinations at the same time is no fun let me tell you!
About 6 years ago my girlfriend became the temporary manager of a rural pub in Oxfordshire and we decided to move in together to the flat above it.

The pub is a very old listed building, about 100-200 years old, right on the banks of a river.

To access the flat you went up a small flight of stairs which put you at the end of a long hallway, the other end of which was our bedroom.
At the top of the stairs was a light switch controlling the light for the stairs and this end of the hallway.
About a third of the way along the hallway was another switch controlling the light for that section and finally a switch about 10ft from our bedroom door controlling the light for the rest of the hallway.

This meant that when going to bed and turning off the hallway lights as you went, the hallway would get progressively darker and darker behind you. That last 10ft from the final switch to the bedroom door seemed to take an age and I would quite often get the 'willies' and would run it and quickly close the door behind me.
My girlfriend would always laugh at me for this as the Dark Hallway of Doom never seemed to bother her.

One night my girlfriend was last to bed and I was already in the bedroom getting ready for bed.
I heard her climb the stairs, switch off the light at the top, walk down the hallway, turn off the 2nd light and walk to the 3rd and switch that off.
Then nothing. She hadn't moved from the last switch.

I can't see her at this point, as the hallway and bedroom form an L shape with the bedroom at the bottom and I'm at the far end of the bedroom.

I wait for a few seconds, then walk up to where I can see down the hallway.

She's just standing there by the light switch, looking down at the other end of the dark hallway - I can just about see her with the light from the bedroom.

"Vicky?" I say.
No answer.

"vicky, what are you doing?"
She answers this time, "what? Oh nothing..." then turns around and comes into the bedroom and shuts the door and we go to bed. By the next day I'd forgotten about it.

We end up only staying at the pub for about 6 months due to it being sold and sometime later we are chatting about it.

"Oh I never did tell you about the pub did I?" she says
"what about it?"
"It's haunted. I didn't want to tell you at the time as I know you don't like that sort of thing."

She's right, though I like ghost and paranormal stories I don't want to know about it if it's where I'm staying!

So she tells me the story.

Sometime in the late 1800's there was a old landlady of the pub who lived alone.
During one winter night the river had flooded the pub to about waist height, not all that unusual for this pub - it flooded to thigh height just a month after we left!
She woke early the next morning before sunrise and went down the hallway and then down the stairs, not realising in the darkness that the bottom of the stairs was underwater.
As she reached the water she slipped and lost her footing, fell into the water and hit her head on something knocking her unconscious. She was found a few hours later having drowned in the water.

It was at this point I remembered the odd occasion in the hallway I described above and asked her about it.

"oh that?" She said, "Yeah that was weird, just as I was turning off the last light I thought I saw something in the darkness""
"what did you see?" I said.
"it was only for a second, but it looked like something moving towards the stairs, then I heard a noise"
"what did you hear?"
"a splash of water"

I've not been back to the pub since.
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I used to suffer from sleep paralysis pretty regularly, to the point where it didn't freak me out anymore and it was a case of breathe, relax and try to shake out of it.

The last time it happened though... I had an experience that was almost a direct copy of the sofa scene in Paranormal Activity 2 (I hadn't seen the film at the time).

Basically, I was dozing on the sofa covered by a thin blanket when I found myself pinned down while an indistinct black cloud slowly crept up from the other end.
What really **** me up was that I could feel the weight of it pressing on the blanket as it moved forward. It got to about my waist before I managed to fully wake up.

Was sweating buckets and bricking it :o
I'm perfectly happy to put it down to a simple sleep paralysis episode and tbh, I bloody hope that's all it was :)

As for seeing black shadows... **** THAT!

Not creepy, but I've also seen a few distant UFO type things. Nothing spectacular, but definitely not normal.
They were all distant lights in the sky pulling maneuvers and speeds that our planes just couldn't do. Test planes/aliens? I dunno. Definitely not shooting stars or satellites.
The standout sighting was when I was up on the roof at my old house on a very clear summer night and I saw a formation of at least 9 points of light moving across the sky. They were all bluey-white (like stars) except for one reddish dot. All fairly explainable so far until one of the dots hung back for a few seconds before it sped up and rejoined the rest of the group and matched their pace.
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The first 2 weeks of coming back from Ibiza in 2006. I thought I was going to die and almost called 999 on myself.

Couldnt close my eyes because of instant nightmares, couldnt keep them open because of cartoons on my wardrobe. Sleep deprivation is horrible
Talking of UFOs, about 8-10 years ago one summer night, I heard a really strange rumbling, like a repetitive pattern that sounded as if it was moving, like it'd sound far away but then would be overhead. Like Soft > heavy repeat in single bursts. At first I thought it might be a helicopter, but as it got louder, the whooshing sound was way too slow and far inbetween.

I ended up walking out the back of the house to check it out because it was really loud. It was a cloudy night, but directly above was an area of cloud that looked really low, like a depression directly above. The whooshing sound was coming out of it. It was like there was something huge inside the cloud rotating and moving around, I can't describe it any better than that. It wasn't just me that noticed it, I could see people coming out of their houses and looking up at the sky further down the street.

It wasn't raining or windy and I never actually saw anything beyond the strange low cloud, but it freaked me out a bit, especially because I was the only one in that night. I have no idea when it comes to storms and weather, so maybe it was simply thunder, but I've never heard thunder like that before or since. It wasn't sporadic, it had a slow rhythmic pattern to it.
Yeah. I've had faces coming towards me in the dark and the walls of my room replaced with hundreds of pairs of old wriggling hands etc. Anything you consider scary, I've had over the years. Pretty much everything. :(

I first got it on the day of my sixteenth birthday and thought I'd been given some kind of power to speak to the dead (given how real the experience was you'd have thought so too). I had a head float into my room and introduce herself before flying towards me at breakneck speed. I ran into my Brother hysterical after the first occurrence. You just learn to live with it, but you NEVER get comfortable with it.



^ I had a vivid nightmare of someone pulling the face of a dead friend off and throwing it at me. It wrapped around the back of my head and i jumped out of bed.

One time i drempt i was sat up looking out my window at fires and levelled houses and dead people everywhere. I woke from my dream and I was sat up looking out the window!!
for what I remember I don't recall any serious hauntedness really nothing that sticks out.
I do remember last year, I had to take my 7 salesmen on a blitz of the area suffolk, I was going to book a premier inn when I sent the costs to the group financial controller he found some rooms for about a penny less and booked.

The Bell, Thetford.

Now being intrested as to what a dive this was I googled it. It was then I found out it was haunted or apparently so.

So We arrive, I check in and go to my room, the building is very old, the corridors are wonkey and the rooms are just funny with age.

Funny to admit but I totaly freaked myself out, I watched and read reviews, ghost hunts and so on.

the evening was fine, we left this place for a nice curry up the road returned and had some beers.

Went to bed, manged to get to sleep just fine, woke up at about 3.30 am and that was it. I left the place at about 4.45am I was really freaked out, I really was. I would never stay in the place again lol.

Anyway nothing scary for you guys but looking back makes me chuckle.
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