What is the oldest game you still play & install today?

Loved that game. The multiplayer was great. I'd love to see a modern style version, like Battlefield but with C&C units and buildings.

Oh that would be the dream, I'd bin off every other game for that, they could even add DLC for different era tanks, weapons and maps!!!
I never did finish FF8. Everyone says it's the underrated gem of the series, maybe I should give it another go..

It's broken as hell if you know the game, but I don't care, it's my favourite.

FYI, word about that a remastered version is hitting summer this year.
Hat Trick (1984)
Shoot The Bull (1985)

Both get played semi regularly. These are my 2 oldest games that are in continual rotation on my "games night" drinking parties.

I loved this game when I played it, connection was horrible for me at the time though and often resulted in the image for network connection error. I also believe this was my first experience of online gaming.

I just discovered the original website I signed up on which is using an old ntlworld email address :D. My sign up date was Feb 25 2005, 02:19 PM.
Will be Rome: Total War for me. At least for PC games. I think it's from the early 2000s. Great, because my 8 year old PC is still way over the top for such a game.

2004. It was the first year I built a PC instead of buying pre-built. It was around October when I got to put it together, and celebrated by buying Rome TW, and HL2 a month or so later. Great gaming times!
Amen to that. Had many many great hours playing this when i was 15. That's what battlefield needs to go back to, a huge sandbox map with lots of vehicles and just let people play!
Nice to meet a fellow fan.
Trauma were years ahead of the professional studios at the time.
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