What is the oldest game you still play?

LAPD-Futurecop.. damn good 1v1
Space Invaders - (on phone)
and Populous III The beginning. Another great RTS and online aswell :D
I used to play the original Populous a lot from the amiga500 but my bro as the kickstart rom disk somewhere , could do with it as i LANGUAGE! love populous

I have also played bubble bobble on the c64 the amiga 500 and now i am still on it on the ps2, CLASSIC!!
m4cc45 said:
Turrican 2 (Amiga - unbelievable especially the soundtrack)
Have you tried turrican 3 on the amiga? I was in the amiga scene for a long time after many people bought a PC (in fact I built myself a a1200 and put in a tower and could play doom on it!!!) I think turrican 3 came out relatively late, but IMO it is the best of the lot.
I still play Battlefield 1942 regularly, although mostly I play the Interstate82 mod for it but sometimes still play vanilla 1942, I still think its more enjoyable than BF2.
Dutch Guy said:
For me it's Motorhead , released 7 years ago :eek:

It runs at >350fps with 8x Supersampling AA/16xAF at 1280*1024 :p

I remember being blown away by the graphics in the beginning but now they are just ugly and very little detail, when I look at such a game it makes me think how fast development in the computer industry and videocards has been.

What is your oldest game you still play?

I've been wanting that game for years and I still can't find it :(
Van_Dammesque said:
Have you tried turrican 3 on the amiga? I was in the amiga scene for a long time after many people bought a PC (in fact I built myself a a1200 and put in a tower and could play doom on it!!!) I think turrican 3 came out relatively late, but IMO it is the best of the lot.

I have tried one of the versions of Turrican 3 which was very poor - more of a step back than anything else with a view that seemed further away in Turrican 2 and was more of a platformer than a shooter.

I'm sure I have Turrican 3 on a CD somewhere and as I'm rebuilding my Amiga partition I'll check it out.

I played it on the PS1 - I really didn't like it - come to think of it I don't really like the books either - lol

Playing Dungeon Master now in a view to completing it again then I'm going back onto Frontier to enjoy a space sim game whilst waiting for Elite 3 later on this year...
Blade Runner
Released in 1997 it's still a game I like and addicted too, despite completing it in every way possible. It was the first game I ever played on the PC, ever, and I generally love point-and-click adventure games.

Grim Fandango springs to mind too! :cool:
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