What is the oldest game you still play?

DreederOcUK said:
Amiga - Sensible Soccer (1992) Still play almost daily on my PSP.
PC - Settlers 1 (1993) Play it on an old laptop whilst waiting for downloads.

hit it on the head, also settlers on my a1200 and speedball 2, also wings of fury!! awesome game,

Defender of the crown. and it came from the desert lol

Good classics
jm240 said:

Still brilliant, I haven't found a game which comes any where near this ones fast paced action gameplay, if there are any newer games out there with a similar style gameplay please let me know!

I am getting a bit bored of the graphics with UT99, it does not really put my 7800GT to the test though this card really does make it shine!

Erm, UnReal Tournament 2003? 2004? 2007 in Sept'06 ?

Actually, to be honest, UT seems to have been written so well, that even 2004 will run brilliantly and your GFX will still be lazing about doing nothing for most of the time.

Some maps I am hitting 350FPS and more!!!

Even runs fairly well on a duron & GF4 MX420 if you set the rez to low-as-poss, so a 7800 will play it peachy as heck @ 1600x1200 with all the trimmings set to "Holy Sh..!!"
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Ignition. Great little driving game from 1997. Really good graphics for its day.


Its now completely free too!!!

DailyGeek said:
Hooked on a few at the moment. Bubble bobble is always good
Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Saturn Bomberman, New Zealand Story and a few others.

Bomberman rocks :)

I still play a lot of old snes and Nes games main ones atm:
Super Mario World (when this first came out me and my brother in-law sat playing it for about 2 weeks solid until we completed it :) ).
Street Fighter Turbo = the best fighting game ever made.
Killer instinict = Second best fighting game ever made (78hit combos!!!)
Micro Machines (nes version) = still a brilliant game :)

On the Pc i still play Starcraft (best RTS ever) and the other day i introduced my nephews to the wonder that is Diablo 2 (Yeah i love Blizzard).

Oh yeah played worms the other day too and i have the original lemmings on my mobile phone which i play if im bored at work :)
afraser2k said:

You young 'uns don't know what you're missing tbh. ;) :p
Proper game that ;) . I like a game of Raiden every now and again. Others are probably Commando, Bomberman, Track and Field, Crude Buster, Ghosts 'n' Goblins, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, Pacland, Pacmania, Rainbow Islands, Jail Break, Hyper Sports, Robocop, (to name but a few :p ) all with the added bonus of playing the original boards in my arcade cab. :D I've probably got more than 50 boards which all get regularly played. Got a nice Marble Madness pcb set and trackballs coming soon (love that game!)

There's a nice few oldies on the Spectrum I like to occasionally have a bash at as well. Megadrive as well.
Been playing loads of old games recently, whenever i take a break from Battlefield2. Theme Hospital, Startopia and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine mostly.
Tie Fighter (1994)
Settlers2 (1994)
Theme Hospital (1996)
Total Annihilation (1997) shame the developer went bust cos sequal was crap
Warcraft2 (1995)
Baldur's Gate (1997/8)
Baldur's Gate2 (2000?)
SimCity Classic (for Windows) (1994 I think)
Final FantasyVII (1997)
Chrono Trigger (1995)
Diablo 2 (1998)
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance (1999)
Worms United (1996)
Heavy Gear 2 (1998)
Alpha Centauri (1997 ... got a little bored with this though)
EarthSiege2 (1994)
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R-Type. Awesome shooter and still play it (and still lose!!!).

On pc-Engine GT, MAME and on PSP (PCE emu).

Bloody Great
On the PC it is Red Alert 2. Online comp stomps are still a classic.

On console, I dunno really.. I sometimes pop on the odd old game for a laugh but I don't play them regularly. Planning to play through Final Fantasy 7 and 9 again though.
God that's a hard question for a MAME ho3 such as me...


Ghosts n Goblins (still can't complete it without cheating)
Bubble Bobble (have to remember to hit the 2 player start button at the end - lol)
Green Beret
SWoS (PC - have the original CD version with the 'honey monster' commentator on it)
Flashback (Amiga - quality)
Turrican 2 (Amiga - unbelievable especially the soundtrack)
Speedball 2 (Amiga)
Dungeon Master (Amiga)
Bloodwych (Amiga)
Cybernoid (C64)
Robin Of The Wood (Spectrum)
Target Renegade (C64)
Feud (MSX)
Double Dragon (Arcade)
Final Fight (Arcade)
Streets Of Rage (Megadrive)
Super Soccer (SNES)
Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)

And many, many more....

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