What is the oldest game you still play?

Playing through Mechwarrior 4 and all the expansion packs just now and I’ve just stared playing X-com Apocalypse now that I’ve got it working under XP. Also still play proper CS a bit (1.6) and have done since the betas.
CS, FF7 or Starcraft. I'm playing all three at the moment, and they're all about the same age, so I'm not sure which one quite edges it.

EDIT: If it wasn't for FM2006, I wouldn't be playing a single recent game, and I've not even played that in a while.
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Medal Of Honour Allied Assault :D although i havnt played for a while, i think i will again pretty soon..

saying that.. it isnt too old.. released in 2001 i think :confused:
Hooked on a few at the moment. Bubble bobble is always good
Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Saturn Bomberman, New Zealand Story and a few others.
I play a few fairly retro games, mainly Red Alert but Roller Coaster Tycoon and Worms get played from time to time.
Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers

Was on my cousins mega drive on Paperboy last week.

If you mean oldest PC game then Rainbow 6: Raven Shield.
Occasionally I'll play Transport Tycoon Deluxe, but on my super nintendo i still play donkey kong, the mario's and similar, I really want a decent priced NES now though! :)
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Streets of Rage 2 (Megadrive)
Unreal Tournament
Total Annihilation
Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 (and 1 aswell, occasionally)
XCOM: UFO Defense (1993)
Dune 2 (1992)
Simcity (1989)

Take ye pick really. I have others but I tried to keep it to 12 years plus :)

Still having a DOS machine makes it easy.
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