What is the oldest game you still play?

Counter-Strike, 1.6 although not technically that old, its still running of the hl engine! play it few times a week and still have clan matches, and its still going very strong! shows you how far gameplay goes!
doom and unreal tournament... the original! and also solitaire... that must've been going since 1987, right? :D
Many of the old uns are the best :) - I still regularly play:
  • Alpha Centauri (1997)
  • Red Baron (DOS original, some time about 94/ 95)
  • Colonization (Not sure of date)
  • GTA Original

And there are more just waiting out there!

Last evening I had a look at my old CD's and installed Dethkarz and Powerslide again as I wanted to see how they looked and played now as I remember being amazed at the IQ

Both games run >200fps with 8xAA supersampling/16xAF but don't look that good anymore, it's hard to imagine I was blown away running them on a Voodoo3 at 1024*768 without AA/AF :confused:

I think I will install some more oldies tonight, time to look for Quake 1,2 and 3 :cool:
On computer i just started playing The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall which is great (though it's beating my pc specs into the ground >.<) On consoles/arcade it's pretty much anything up to 8bit (the ocasional quick blast on Mario bros 1 being the earliest i guess).
I've been playing Angband and its variants for about 10 years, but the game itself dates back to 1985, with rumoured similar roguelike games going back to the late 70s, I believe. I also play Pong quite often, though not on an original cabinet ;)


uhmmm... kiddin. :p I like to play the original red alert. And sometimes Theme hospital and Rollercoaster tycoon. I love making the rides dangerous and then they end up going wrong, like the shuttle loop, make a HUGE drop into the loopp so the car is going about 180mph, the car flies off the track, and blows up, yet people still que for the ride! Its wrong to get a kick out of that isnt it? :( lol
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