Due to Rockstar's decision to opt for Always On DRM, I decided not to purchase this game and instead installed the 'Full Single Player Free Demo'.
Whilst the style, authenticity, and attractiveness of the world which Rockstar have created really does have to be applauded, as does the characters they have created and the story the game tells....
....after some 30% of my way into the single player campaign, the novelty is wearing thin and the rather thin gameplay is beginning to wear on me.
Is the point of GTA V, a bit like BF4, all about the online game?
Whilst the style, authenticity, and attractiveness of the world which Rockstar have created really does have to be applauded, as does the characters they have created and the story the game tells....
....after some 30% of my way into the single player campaign, the novelty is wearing thin and the rather thin gameplay is beginning to wear on me.
Is the point of GTA V, a bit like BF4, all about the online game?