What is the point of GTA V?

It is the best GTA yet. Hilarious story moments and very entertaining mission design.

Easily. I don't consider myself an avid gamer but I have put around 120h into the singleplayer over those six months, which for me is a lot:p Have yet to touch online but I feel I've already got my money's worth.

EDIT: I only wish the map was twice the size and had an another city in it with some more great environments to roam around;p
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If GTAV "a wildy overrated mediocre piece of crap" I hate to think what the OP thinks of properly bad game like say the new Tony Hawks.

I think these days with such high levels of production in AAA games people have gotten used to it. To the point if there an aspect a player does not like the marked as crap.

Maybe it just down to me being 30 now and thinking "Kids today...."
I really enjoyed GTA V, I have played it & completed it on both PC & Xbox 360.

Although I completed it I never really got into GTA: SA although the mechanics I felt were much better, especially the driving.
I just found it much harder to connect to CJ as a character, I never really cared what happened to him.
its a shame there's not more to do in the sp game it did feel quite short and the side missions weren't all great, racing jet ski's seemed pointless. they could create a few expansions using the same world.
Due to Rockstar's decision to opt for Always On DRM, I decided not to purchase this game and instead installed the 'Full Single Player Free Demo'.

Whilst the style, authenticity, and attractiveness of the world which Rockstar have created really does have to be applauded, as does the characters they have created and the story the game tells....

....after some 30% of my way into the single player campaign, the novelty is wearing thin and the rather thin gameplay is beginning to wear on me.

Is the point of GTA V, a bit like BF4, all about the online game?

Part of the draw is also the sense of nostalgia, playing this as a kid growing up, and being able to relive that in a brand new game was fantastic.
It's far from being "a wildy overrated mediocre piece of crap", maybe it's just not for you. The "point" of GTA games is to provide the player with a beautiful immersive world that is ridiculously detailed and V does this in a way I haven't seen before.

Fair enough, but whilst I would agree 100% about how stunning a sand box Rock Star have created, and it is pretty cool to look around it, this 'beautiful world' is not that immersive a world. The only way to 'to open it up' is to drive to the various Mission Markers on the map. At first this is cool, but before long, this starts to seem like a loading screen that I got to do myself.

Say what you like about the AI in Dishonored, but when I was playing that game, not only was my imagination entertained, but my pulse was racing from the gameplay. Same with Bioshock (all of them), and someone mentioned Sleeping Dogs, which I completed and which had decent gameplay mechanics in it. The Witcher 3, I got bored of. Amazing story telling which actually gets a bit too much whilst the game play itself is über-meh after about level 10. Button Mashing crap. Skyrim, I also found to be a terrible bore.....

.....so maybe if the main attraction or point of a game, is a huge sandbox environment (and mediocre everything else), than that game isn't for me.

P.S. To the morally righteous Authoritarian Personalities posting their disapproval of my Free Full Demo Copy of GTA V; regarding the pirating of this game, who are Rockstar, Konami, Steam, or any other corporation to demand that I, and all my personal details be hooked up to the Information Highway in order to use a product that I have paid for? I pay for 90% of my games and can handle a 1 time online DRM validation, but anything beyond that, and certainly any Always On DRM, is beyond the pail. This was after all the move from Microsoft that killed the XBone prior to it's launch, yet PC gamers are getting hit with it all the time.....Even platforms such as Steam which are meant to have an offline mode still require to phone home every so often or they will lock you out of all your games, which you have paid for, if you haven't had the foresight to download a big bunch of pirate cracks in advance. I work away for weeks at a time, and have an expensive gaming laptop to keep me company, and compulsory Online DRM has left a very bitter taste in my mouth on more than one occasion. **** any publisher that opts to use it! They aint getting my support.
I enjoyed the SP a lot more than the MP, some of the side missions get alittle boring at times but I enjoyed 95% of my time spent playing it.
Do you have a Facebook account? Google?

Much more likely that those companies will sell your details on.

Faceook!? Absolutely not!

and I don't have a 'Life Invader' account either!

(I have a Google account but NEVER give any real details and NEVER provide mobile phone details. If they insist, then I input a false number....everyone should do the same)
(I have a Google account but NEVER give any real details and NEVER provide mobile phone details. If they insist, then I input a false number....everyone should do the same)

That must be a struggle when you have to receive a text verification code to activate your account...
Fair enough, but whilst I would agree 100% about how stunning a sand box Rock Star have created, and it is pretty cool to look around it, this 'beautiful world' is not that immersive a world. The only way to 'to open it up' is to drive to the various Mission Markers on the map. At first this is cool, but before long, this starts to seem like a loading screen that I got to do myself.

Say what you like about the AI in Dishonored, but when I was playing that game, not only was my imagination entertained, but my pulse was racing from the gameplay. Same with Bioshock (all of them), and someone mentioned Sleeping Dogs, which I completed and which had decent gameplay mechanics in it. The Witcher 3, I got bored of. Amazing story telling which actually gets a bit too much whilst the game play itself is über-meh after about level 10. Button Mashing crap. Skyrim, I also found to be a terrible bore.....

.....so maybe if the main attraction or point of a game, is a huge sandbox environment (and mediocre everything else), than that game isn't for me.

Well, but the same can be said about every other game because which game world is truly immersive? In Dishonored the only way to "open up" anything was to follow the completely linear structure of the game with the only decision being whether to kill or spare the target:p See what I did there?:p It's the same with GTA, only that you can drive around freely and do side stuff. Everything depends on what you prefer. I really liked both Dishonored and Bioshock but thought that they got rather boring halfway through and couldn't maintain the excitement they had initially built. I wouldn't even bother playing them were it not for the setting.

I'm just talking about how detailed and pretty the world is. I think that constitues a part of gameplay as well and sorry but not many games can compare with what Rockstar's achieved in this regard. GTA V is one of very few games where I genuinely enjoyed just roaming around, observing the environment and doing stupid ****. I really like the driving and shooting and consider none of the mediocre. You liked Sleeping Dogs gaming mechanics and it had both worse driving and shooting than GTA V, less to do and a smaller world so I don't get that. This game feels more polished than 99% of the stuff I've played. And I too didn't really enjoy The Witcher 3 and (particularly) Skyrim.

I completely understand and respect your opinion about the game but calling it "a mediocre piece of crap" is a bit too much as I think there are numerous other games that would deserve that title a lot more. GTA V is not perfect but I think it's pretty damn close. With SweetFX/increased traffic density it looks beautiful, plays great and just oozes quality.
P.S. To the morally righteous Authoritarian Personalities posting their disapproval of my Free Full Demo Copy of GTA V; regarding the pirating of this game, who are Rockstar, Konami, Steam, or any other corporation to demand that I, and all my personal details be hooked up to the Information Highway in order to use a product that I have paid for?

Go you - way to stick it to the man! etc.

Not sure why you think you have to hand over all your details? Steam requires an email address - nothing more?
Payment details don't have to be saved, so honestly troll more.

You aren't paying for games these days anyway - merely a license to use them.

I pay for 90% of my games and can handle a 1 time online DRM validation, but anything beyond that, and certainly any Always On DRM, is beyond the pail. This was after all the move from Microsoft that killed the XBone prior to it's launch, yet PC gamers are getting hit with it all the time.....

And they will continue to get hit with it. Expect to see more games with integral multiplayer, server side game saves (e.g. Simcity when it launched). It is the easiest way that publishers can cause disruption to pirates (Whether it's a short term inconvenience e.g. just needs a patch, or largely not viable e.g mmo's) - single player only games are largely becoming a thing of the past

Even platforms such as Steam which are meant to have an offline mode still require to phone home every so often or they will lock you out of all your games.

Because if they didn't, people would just find a way to copy the whole offline pc, and distribute that as many times as they liked.

I work away for weeks at a time, and have an expensive gaming laptop to keep me company, and compulsory Online DRM has left a very bitter taste in my mouth on more than one occasion.

5 Years ago I might have had some sympathy, but unless you literally are living on an oil rig or somewhere (in which case your pay presumably offsets the inconvenience in your lifestyle) then there is always a solution - Wifi hotspots are everywhere, and 3G and 4G coverage is steadily improving.

**** any publisher that opts to use it! They aint getting my support.

In a way though they are, you downloaded it and added a download to the trackers on torrent sites or whatever, you must be deluded if you think publishers don't check how popular pirated versions of their games are. People like you are why legitimate users started suffering with always on drm, and removal of local lan play etc anyway, whilst you will carry on your pirating ways and be unaffected.
IMO, the game is superb, it's like living a movie.

I agree wholeheartedly. I really enjoyed it as did everyone I personally know who have it.

The previous GTA's have been a bit boring for me and I didn't finish some of them but for this one the story/acting and overall fun during the missions.

Also if you play it in first person mode, it does play like an FPS and the responsiveness is perfectly fine for headshotting and so on. I played the entire game through in FPS mode and loved it.

For the OP, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not good and is overrated. Most reviews/comments and such on the web praises the game highly. Perhaps this one just isn't for you.
well. Escalation and quickly springs a to mind. But jesus christ, that's a terrible attitude. Pretty sure i said that last time the OP had a moan about steam and oil rigs though, so i see he hasn't really changed.
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